Code of Ethics for Minnesota Teachers Tammy Barnes Education Minnesota Field Staff Standards of Professional Conduct
2 A. A teacher shall provide professional educational services in a non-discriminatory manner. The law protects these classes: –Gender, race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, disability, public-assistance status, age, sexual orientation, or religion
3 Responsibility for Student Safety B. A teacher shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to health & safety. Mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect Within 24 hours to social services or police Know your school policy regarding process
4 Student Safety, continued Maintain Appropriate Boundaries Professional – not a friend Recognize and respect boundaries Open-door policy Refer students to appropriate resources
5 Student Safety, continued District harassment policy Required document Applies to: –All district employees (administration, support staff, teachers, agents, contractors, etc) –All district students –Any district volunteers –All school board members
6 Student & Personnel Data C. Disclose Confidential Data: When a compelling professional purpose is served When required by law Disclose Educational Data: Only to those with legitimate educational interest
7 Student & Personnel Data No release to police without a court order No disclosure to other parents or colleagues Follow district guidance on photos, test scores, etc.
8 Disciplinary Action D. A teacher shall take reasonable disciplinary action… –Corporal punishment is illegal in Minnesota –Know how IEP’s are to be enforced –Know your district policy for discipline MN statute requires notification prior to classroom placement for violent students
9 Disciplinary Action, continued MDE has authority to investigate MDE will report findings of abuse to BOT You have the right to legal representation during MDE investigation or interview
10 Professional Relationships E. A teacher shall not use professional relationships with students, parents, and colleagues to private advantage. “your child really needs some extra help – I’m available” “I have a great set of books I can sell to you” If in doubt – ask!
11 Delegating Authority F. A teacher shall delegate authority for teaching responsibilities only to licensed personnel Do not ask/require paraprofessionals to provide direct instruction or professional judgment Do not use volunteers or parents as teachers Know that potential conflicts with culture of the school can occur
12 Subject Matter G. A teacher shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter. –Curriculum issues –District policies
13 Teacher Qualifications H.A teacher shall not knowingly falsify or misrepresent records or facts relating to that teacher’s own qualifications or to other teacher’s qualifications. –Gossip –Comments
False OR Malicious Statements I.A teacher shall not make false or malicious statements about: Students Colleagues Watch lounge talk Off duty comments 14
15 Teacher Licensing J. A teacher shall accept a contract only if properly licensed for that position. This applies to any additional courses you might be asked to teach. If in doubt, check!
16 Teacher Licensing Licenses are posted on public site (MDE) License expires on June 30 th You are responsible for your license
17 Grounds for Immediate Termination Gross inefficiency not corrected after notice Neglect of duty – failure to teach Conduct Unbecoming a teacher
18 Examples of Unbecoming Conduct Discriminatory conduct DWI/DUI convictions Embezzlement Sexual misconduct Trafficking in internet pornography at home Illegal gambling
19 Immediate Termination, continued Insubordination: Constant and continuing intentional refusal to obey a direct or implied order, reasonable in nature, and given by and with the proper authority.
20 Immediate Termination, continued Immorality: Community standards Public figure with a role model duty Continuing physical or mental disability subsequent to a 12-month leave of absence and inability to qualify for reinstatement
21 Immediate Termination, continued Felony conviction: If for child or sexual abuse, license revocation and discharge are automatic If for another type of felony, the teacher is entitled to a hearing
22 Failure to Teach Resignation Dates Know the statutory dates Know your contract Consequences for failure to meet deadlines
23 Probationary Status Probationary teachers can be non-renewed for any reason or no reason, as long as it is not a discriminatory or anti-union reason. You must be notified by July 1 for the following year Work with your local union
Professional Development Opportunities TALL – Teachers as Learners & Leaders ER&D – Educational Research & Dissemination Foundation Grants – Grants given to teachers by Education Minnesota Summer Seminar Intermediate Organizations – offer training to locals 24
Mandatory Reporting When in doubt, make a call to the authorities – either Human Services or Police 25
26 Support Systems Your local union leaders Your mentors Your colleagues Education Minnesota
403b Do you want to have a nice retirement nest egg? How does it work? If you put money away and the district matches an amount, you save more for your retirement. 27
Contact me at Tammy Barnes Education Minnesota Student Program Advisor 28