Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Consultation
Contents of presentation What is CIL? What are we now consulting on? Key proposals The consultation process The next steps Any questions?
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy? New, locally set, charge on development Intended to give more certainty to developers about how much they will be expected to pay towards meeting costs of infrastructure It will supplement other funding streams to help ensure new community infrastructure can be provided to support local growth CIL is applied at a rate of £ per m2 with payment required following commencement of development It can be applied to most buildings that people normally use where more than 100 m2 (net) or a new dwelling is created
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy? (cont’d) There is no charge for; Changes of use (unless additional floorspace is created) The sub-division of existing dwellings Most forms of Affordable Housing Development for charitable purposes Maybe for self build housing schemes Councils have a choice on whether or not to apply CIL The existing system of S106 Planning Obligations in being partly scaled back as a result of CIL – from May 1 st 2014 – May be put back to March 2015
What are we now consulting on? Council’s wishing to introduce a CIL have to produce and adopt a Charging Schedule This sets out the rate of CIL that will be applied in the area In deciding what CIL rate to apply a charging authority must aim to strike what appears to be an appropriate balance between; The desirability of funding from CIL, all, or part of, the estimated total cost of infrastructure required to support the development of its area; and The potential effects of applying the CIL charge on the economic viability of development across its area.
Key Proposals The PDCS sets out the rates of CIL that RCC proposes to set for the following different development types; Use Type Proposed CIL Rate (per m2) Residential£100 Warehousing and Distribution £10 Food retail (supermarkets)£150 Retail Warehouses£150 Hotel£150
Key Proposals (1) What will the money collected be used for? The Council is finalising a Preliminary Draft Infrastructure Project List. The types of infrastructure being considered include; Highways Oakham Town Centre and other town centre improvements, car parking Transport Various public and community initiatives Waste A new recycling facility Social and Community Disabled, residential care and youth facilities Lifelong Learning Additional placements for early year/childcare, primary, secondary and post16/further education provision
Key Proposals (2) Local Health Services New and expanded GP facilities Libraries Improvements to library provision in Uppingham Museums Improved facilities for Rutland Economic Development Oakham and Uppingham Public Realm improvements Outdoor Recreation County sports provision Indoor Sports County indoor sports provision. The total cost of the infrastructure under consideration is expected to exceed the resources available to deliver - but will evidence the need to adopt CIL as a means of plugging funding gaps
What do you think about the PDCS? The Council is particularly interested to have your views on the following; Do you agree with the infrastructure requirements identified by the County Council? Do you agree with the CIL rates proposed by the County Council?
The next steps The Council will consider all the comments received before preparing a final Draft Charging Schedule. It is intended that this will be subject to public consultation in August/September 2013 before being submitted to the government for public examination by an independent inspector. It is hoped to be able to adopt CIL by May 2014.
Further information Council’s website Telephone Copies of the PDCS available to take away – Printed copies and CD-ROM Any questions?