by Joshua Raven Lesson 10 Hot Seating a Character
What types of questions are there? For each of the following questions, identify what type of question it is Do you think it is cold today? What is the best or worst thing about school? How old are you?
What types of questions are there? Do you think it is cold today? - This question can only be answered by either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’, therefore it is a closed question. What is the best or worst thing about school? - This question is personal to the recipient, therefore it is an open question. How old are you? - This question is called a factual recall question and is most often a closed question response.
Which character? Choose a character from the novel and imagine you are going to ask them a series of questions about their role in the novel so far. Devise a series of 10 questions in the different questioning styles completed in the starter activity. Try to think of as many different styles of questions as you can.
Your questions Which character and what question?
Task You are going to interview a character from the novel for example; Rachel could be interviewed by the local police regarding CCTV footage they found at the Grifton Metropolitan Hotel of her carrying a large black bag. Or the interview could be of Lake Emerson on his mysterious disappearance and amazing rescue.
Plenary What types of questions were observed? Make a note of the types of questions used by the pairs in their interviews and also how accurate you believe them to be. Give the pairs a mark out of 10 for accuracy and variety of question styles.