Putting RDA: Resource Description and Access into context 1. FRBR: Functional requirements for bibliographic records Alan Danskin Data Quality & Authority Control Manager CA&D
2 Terminology IME – ICC International Meeting of Experts on an International Cataloguing Code Reviewing and updating the Paris Principles FRBR – Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records IFLA working group recommended conceptual model (1997) FRAD- Functional Requirements for Authority Data IFLA working group report to be published 2008 FRSAR Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (in progress)
3 Introduction RDA will replace AACR2 from 2009 RDA is based on the FRBR and FRAD Models A model is a way of looking at problems in the real world and Identifying and defining the things that are important (entities) Identifying and defining the significant relationships between these entities Identifying and defining the attributes that characterise the entities A conceptual model helps to develop understanding of the real world A model can be implemented in different ways. Consistency with a model facilitates interoperability between implementations
4 “The highest principle for the construction of cataloguing codes should be the convenience of the users of the catalogue.” Guiding principle for the International Cataloguing Code being developed by IFLA
5 Resource Discovery Technology
6 Guard books
7 Card Catalogue
8 Proliferation of carriers XML TIFF MPEG.wav
9 Limitations of the OPAC “Flat” data structure Restrictive Inflexible display Metadata underexploited Changing user perspectives
10 Well, for goodness sake…! The UKMARC Manual: Reference From a Personal Name The UKMARC Manual: Reference From a Personal Name... Tolkien, JRR (John Ronald Reuel), Lord of the rings. 2 The two towers See Tolkien, JRR (John Ronald Reuel),
11 Title The best of ’Private Eye’. 1976: Lord Gnome of the Rings. Publisher/year London : Private Eye Productions : Deutsch, Physical descr. [95]p. : ill., 1port. ; 22cm.
12 Spin-offs from the films Books about LotR / Critical studies
13 More critical works, spin-offs, etc.
14 At last! Hungarian translation
15 Score for a musical
16 9,410,000 HITS!
22 What is FRBR? IFLA’s Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) User tasks Find; Identify; Select; Obtain Conceptual model Entities, Relationships, Attributes Mandatory elements for a national level bibliographic record First part of a comprehensive conceptual model FRAD = Functional requirements for authority data FRSAR = Functional requirements for subject authority records FRBRoo = FRBR Object Oriented Model a formal expression, developed with Museum community
23 User tasks To Find materials corresponding to stated search criteria (e.g. by an author, on a topic, etc.). To Identify an item as being that sought or to distinguish between two items with the same title To Select an item appropriate to the user’s needs (e.g. a specific edition, a version in a specific language, or format). To Obtain the item (by purchase, request for loan, or access to an on-line resource.
24 User tasks To Find materials corresponding to stated search criteria (e.g. by an author, on a topic, etc.). To Identify an item as being that sought or to distinguish between two items with the same title To Select an item appropriate to the user’s needs (e.g. a specific edition, a version in a specific language, or format). To Obtain the item (by purchase, request for loan, or access to an on-line resource. To Relate one entity to another to enable navigation within the universe of entities
25 FRBR vocabulary That’s a good book… It’s just the right size to prop up my desk ITEM I must get it! MANIFESTATION Has it been translated? EXPRESSION Who wrote this book? WORK
26 Group 1 entities The “idea” of The Lord of the Rings: e.g., the novel; the “movie”; the score. The embodiment of The Lord of the Rings: e.g. CD audio book ISBN-13: ; or Audio Cassette ISBN An exemplar of a manifestation of, “The Lord of the Rings”, e.g.: My copy!. The realisation of The Lord of the Rings in one or more modes of expression: e.g. “English text”, “French translation”, “performance”, the director’s cut. Work Expression Manifestation Item
27 Group 1 entities Boris Godunov by Modeste Mussorgsky a single 1998 Polygram release of a recording of the 2 versions by the conductor Valery Gergiev the actual CDs held at the BnF with call number SDC the 1869 version, the 1872 version, recorded performances of each of these versions Work Expression Manifestation Item
28 Group 1 Entities’ Attributes Work ID Title Date etc. Expression ID Title Form Date Language etc. Manifestation ID Title Statement of responsibility Edition Imprint (place, publisher, date) Form/extent of carrier Terms of availability Mode of access etc. Item ID Provenance Location etc.
29 Group 2 and 3 Entities Group 2 Person Corporate Body Family* *Introduced by FRAD (Functional Requirements for Authority Data) Group 3** Concept Object Place Event ** Further development by FRSAR
30 Relationships Relationships are important They support navigation and display Relationships can exist between entities within a group Relationships can exist between groups. Relationships can exist between entities at the same level of at different levels. There are different types of relationships Hierarchies are an efficient way of recording information
31 Group 1 Entities
32 Group 1 entities Work Relationship e.g. Bored of the rings Relationship e.g. review Relationship e.g. translation Expression whole/part e.g. Lotr / The two towers
33 Work Expression Manifestation Item Relationships Group 1 & Group 2 many Person Corporate Body is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR
34 Lord of the rings Expression Manifestation Item Group 2 Entities many J.R.R Tolkien Corporate Body is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR
35 Work French Translation Manifestation Item Group 2 Entities many Francis Ledoux Corporate Body is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR
36 Work Expression Le seigneur des anneux Item Group 2 Entities many Person Christian Bourgois is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR
37 Work Expression Manifestation YA.1990.a Group 2 Entities many Person is owned by is produced by is realized by is created by FRBR
38 DRAFT FRAD extension to FRBR FRBR Entities: Person Family Corporate Body Work Expression Manifestation Item Concept Object Event Place Name Identifier Access Point Rules Agency
39 Work Group 3 Subject of Works many has as subject Expression Manifestation Item Person Corporate Body Work Concept Object Event Place has as subject FRBR
40 Benefits of FRBR More flexible display Stratification Improved navigation Relationships More efficient circulation Manifestation requesting More efficient cataloguing Assembly of components
41 Search key: title = “Lord of the rings” The catalogue contains the following works with this title: Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. [Novel] – 56 editions Clare, John. The Lord of the Rings. [Score] – 2 editions Oliver, Stephen. The Lord of the Rings. [Score] – 1 edition Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings. [Drawing] – 1 edition Resources about “The Lord of the Rings” = 44
42 You selected the novel: The Lord of the Rings / by J.R.R Tolkien Request Lord of the Rings in English or select from the list below: The work is also available in the following languages: Czech, [2] French, [5] German, [3] Italian, [1] Other, [3]
43 You selected the novel: The Lord of the Rings / by J.R.R Tolkien translated into Czech 1 2
46 FRBR and RDA RDA is based on the FRBR model RDA vocabulary is influenced by FRBR It is difficult to imagine that FRBR can be realised without RDA FRBR cannot be realised through RDA alone In the next session we will look more closely at:
47 Monograph CataloguersMusic Cataloguers BRILLIANT! TOO POWERFUL! TOO NEW!… … what exactly is an expression? how can one catalogue it?… SO WHAT? … NOTHING TO GET EXCITED ABOUT … we’ve been doing all this for some time now… Conclusions of the 2001Report of the JSC Format Variation Working Group
48 New Books Taylor, Arlene (ed.). Understanding FRBR: What It Is and How It Will Affect Our Retrieval Tools. Libraries Unlimited, ISBN13: ISBN10: Robert Maxwell FRBR: A Guide for the Perplexed (Paperback) American Library Association. © 2008 ISBN-13: ISBN-10:
49 References IME ICC FRBR Review Group FRBR Report FRAD FRSAR What is FRBR? A conceptual model for the bibliographic universe. / Barbara Tillett