Welcome to Georgia Studies An introduction to the Concepts and Enduring Understandings
The Concepts Conflict and Change Distribution of Power Movement and Migration Location Production, Distribution, and Consumption Rule of Law Technological Innovations Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
Themes and Enduring Understandings Conflict and Change When there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result! Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings Conflict and Change How might conflict among family members result in change for that family? What conflict has occurred in your community and how was it resolved? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings Distribution of Power Is a product of existing documents and laws combined with contemporary values and beliefs Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings Distribution of Power Why is the power structure at your school set up the way it is? How is power divided in your family? How might rules, responsibilities, and expectation change when there is a change in your family (new sibling, divorce, grandparent moving in)? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Movement Migration The movement or migration of people and ideas affects all societies involved.
Themes and Enduring Understandings Movement Migration How does your class change when a new student moves in? What impact do you have on your community? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings Location How do your activities change depending on where you go on vacation? How do your activities change depending on where you chose to spend your free time? What are some differences between city (urban) and country (rural) areas. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Production Distribution Consumption …produced by the society are affected by the location, customs, beliefs, and laws of the society Themes and Enduring Understandings
Production Distribution Consumption What are some of the products produced or manufactured in our area? How are these products distributed to other areas? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings The Rule of Law …influences the behavior of citizens, limits the power of government. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings The Rule of Law What prevents parents, teachers or police from abusing their power? Why should you (or shouldn’t you) have all laws written down in an official document? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Technological Innovations Innovations have consequences, both intended and unintended, for a society. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Technological Innovations How has access to the internet both benefited and harmed school? What technological innovations have impacted the way you are taught and the way you study?
Individuals Groups Institutions The actions of individuals along with institutions such as schools, churches, families, government agencies, and the courts affect society through intended and unintended consequences. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Individuals Groups Institutions How can the actions of a few students bring consequences for an entire class? What decisions have you made in your life that have had intended or unintended consequences? Themes and Enduring Understandings
Conceptual Teaching Format We will base our learning this year on the Georgia Performance Standards that you will see posted here in the room. We will start each unit with some “Big Ideas” that we will call Enduring Understandings. Then we will ask some Essential Questions to guide our learning. Connecting all of this throughout the year will be the Themes we just discussed. Themes and Enduring Understandings
Themes and Enduring Understandings