I am Cute 9753020 翁群翔. 原型的符旨 ❶ Creation ❷ Immortality ❸ Hero Archetypes.


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Presentation transcript:

I am Cute 翁群翔

原型的符旨 ❶ Creation ❷ Immortality ❸ Hero Archetypes

原型的符旨 ❶ Creation ❷ Immortality ❸ Hero Archetypes

原型的符旨 ❶ Creation ❷ Immortality ❸ Hero Archetypes

原型的類別 Northrop Frye

Anatomy of Criticism


原型的類別 Summer

原型的類別 Fall

原型的類別 Winter

一般評論者與神話學評論者 History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis.

一般評論者與神話學評論者 History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis.

一般評論者與神話學評論者 History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically.

一般評論者與神話學評論者 History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically.

History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically. 一般評論者與神話學評論者

History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically. 一般評論者與神話學評論者

History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically. 一般評論者與神話學評論者

History and the biography of the writer. Shape and Symmetry of the work itself. As the Product of some sexual neurosis. Prehistory and the biographies of the gods. Vitality and its enduring appeal. See the work holistically. 一般評論者與神話學評論者


Tendencies toward the cultic and the occult. Discouraging confusion over concepts and definitions.

神學論的發展 — Skeptical of myth criticism — Tendencies toward the cultic and the occult. Discouraging confusion over concepts and definitions.

神學論的發展 — Skeptical of myth criticism — Tendencies toward the cultic and the occult. Discouraging confusion over concepts and definitions.

神學論的發展 — Skeptical of myth criticism — Tendencies toward the cultic and the occult. Discouraging confusion over concepts and definitions. Traditional Formalist

人類學及其利用 Cambridge Hellenists Sir James G. Frazer

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

人類學及其利用 It offered a modernist approach to discussing religion. Vestiges in our own civilized world. Scapegoat archetype. “Killing of the divine king.” The archetype of crucifixion and resurrection. Old religions were fertility cults.

Sophocles Oedipus the King