10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 1 Evidence, Guidelines and Benchmarks -- for Clinical and Community-Based Preventive Services AAPHP Preventive Services ToolKit
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 2 Teaching Objectives Describe and use “evidence base” Locate and use “evidence base” resources. Identify and use guideline resources Identify and use baseline-reference resources Identify and use benchmarks
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 3 Definitions Science Evidence Evidence-based preventive service Expert opinion Baseline Benchmark
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 4 What Use of an “Evidence-based” Approach Can and Cannot Do Can Assure desired benefits if properly implemented Avoid waste of resources Facilitate evaluation Enhance performance and reputation Cannot Optimize interventions Address unique local needs and constraints Address policy issues where the needed studies have not been done
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 5 Documents and Web Sites Guide to Clinical Preventive Services Guide to Community Preventive Services CDC Advisory Committees and MMWR Recommendations
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 6 Guide to Clinical Preventive Services Overseen by panel of experts Launched in 1984 Issues recommendations Interventions include Screening Counseling Preventive medications Immunization handled by ACIP Recommendations are rated A, B, C, D or I For more info see
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 7 Clinical Guide Recommendations 5 Infectious diseases 7 Lipid, Metabolic and CV diseases 11 Cancers 8 Mental Health/Behavioral conditions 7 Other risk factors and other conditions
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 8 Recommendation - Obesity in Adults Screen all adult patients for obesity (B) Intensive interventions to obese adults (B) Evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against the use of moderate- or low-intensity interventions (I) Evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against the use of interventions of any intensity for overweight adults (I)
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 9 Guide to Community Preventive Services Task Force on Community Preventive Services Community interventions Health system change Group education Policy change Environmental change
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 10 Smoking Bans and Restrictions Strong evidence smoking bans and restrictions to reduce environmental tobacco smoke Bans and restrictions reduce amount smoked. Bans more effective than restrictions
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 11 CDC/MMWR Guidelines Diabetes Obesity Heart Disease and Stroke Asthma Cancer Physical Inactivity and Poor Nutrition Tobacco Use\Youth Risk Taking
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 12 CDC/MMWR - Immunization Gold standard for clinical practice Frequently updated Science plus opinion of public and private sector experts Schedule can be viewed at
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 13 Baselines, Benchmarks, and Implementation Guides Healthy People Health, United States, MMWR Surveillance Reports CDC web site WONDER database Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP) STEPS to a Healthier US
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 14 Healthy People 2010 Healthy People series started in 1979 by DHHS. Based more on expert opinion than on scientific evidence One or more advisory committees for each focus area Updated for each new decade Now includes 28 focus areas 467 specific objectives 10 leading health indicators
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 15 Healthy People 2010 Objectives Sample Objectives Increase the proportion of adults aged 50 years and older who have received a fecal occult blood colorectal cancer screening test in the preceding 2 years (Baseline 35%, 2010 target 50%) Increase the use of automobile safety belts (Baseline 69%, 2010 target 92%)
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 16 Healthy People 2010 Uses Can be used as Data resource Vehicle to involve the public, media, and elected officials Basis to form coalitions and partnerships with community-based groups See
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 17 Health, United States, 2005 Annual report on trends in U.S. health statistics executive summary chartbook trend tables appendix index 2005 version has special section on health statistics for adults ages See (for state and sub-state data, contact your state health department)
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 18 Recent CDC Reports and Recommendations in MMWR A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Eliminate Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States (Dec. 23, 2005) Guidelines for the Investigation of Contacts of Persons with Infectious Tuberculosis (Dec. 16, 2005) Recommended Antimicrobial Agents for the Treatment and Postexposure Prophylaxis of Pertussis (Dec. 9, 2005) Controlling Tuberculosis in the United States (Nov. 4, 2005) See
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 19 CDC WONDER Wide-ranging On-Line Data for Epidemiologic Research It’s an easy-to-use, menu-driven system For research, priority setting, baselines and benchmarks Has both national and state-specific data See
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 20 Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP) Derived from the Guide to Clinical Preventive Services Designed to combat barriers to preventive service Based on research and expert opinion Many tools & resources including Personal and Child Health Guides Staying Healthy at 50+ Fact sheets: What’s New from the U.S Preventive Services Task Force Clinician’s Handbook A Step-by-Step Guide to Delivering Clinical Preventive Services: A Systems Approach See
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 21 STEPS to a Healthier US DHHS initiative Addresses major risk factors Addresses Diabetes Obesity Heart disease and stroke Asthma Cancer Physical inactivity and poor nutrition Tobacco use Youth risk-taking Forty communities have been funded since 2003 Community guides for several interventions to be available See
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 22 Other Evidence-Based Documents and Web Sites Pediatric Red Book Other medical specialty practice guidelines AHRQ National Guideline Clearinghouse Priorities and rankings for clinical preventive services
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 23 Resources and Web Sites for Baselines and Benchmarks National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)/Health Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) – Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – America’s Health Rankings Pay for Performance resources
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 24 Partnership for Prevention Priorities in Clinical Preventive Services Developed by Partnership for Prevention with a grant from the CDC Based on score for “clinically preventable burden” plus “cost effectiveness” Ranked from 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest priority Original ref: AJPM 2001; 21(1) (covered in greater detail in Epi Module)
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 25 Module 2 Instructors Manual with Supplemental Materials Resource descriptions and tables of contents How-to-use guidelines Reference web sites (in hotlink format) Preventive Services ToolKit
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 26 Bottom Line re: Evidence Base Do not start with a literature review!!! Wherever possible, use the resource web sites and documents Best place to start is usually the AHRQ National Guideline Clearinghouse Instructor’s manual with Supplemental Materials to this “Module 2” at under “Preventive Services ToolKit”
10/10/06AAPHP PSTK EvidenceModule 2, Slide 27 Q and A Open Discussion