Welcome to Year 6 Teachers – Mr Sumner (6a), Mr Alderdice (6b) Support Staff – Mrs Wilde, Mr Marsh, Mrs McKessey
What’s in store for Year 6? Year 6 is an important year. There are high expectations of children as they are now the oldest in the school. SATs Lots of opportunities for creativity, independence and fun.
Weekly Timetable Literacy/ Numeracy each morning. PE is on Wednesday and Thursday Daily reading at home Times Tables/ Helping your child with maths Homework – Handed out on Wednesday for return the following Monday. Spellings handed out Wednesday to be learnt by following Tuesday
Topics Our topics for the year will be – The Victorians Mountains The Ancient Greeks
Science Electricity Light and Sound Microorganisms Forces Reversible and irreversible changes Interdependence and adaptation in nature
First Term : Internet and E-Safety Year 6 Blogs – Quad Blogging Homework will occasionally be posted via the blog. The Year 6 blogs contain links to many useful maths and literacy websites. Computing
Coding: New curriculum focus on coding and creative elements of computing. Your child will have many opportunities to use computing creatively through use of iPads and a range of software. Focus on creating rather than consuming technology. Computing
Trips Dunham Massey – The Victorians Ghyll Head Lots of involvement with local high schools such as Chorlton High School Visitors – Nurse, Science days, Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
Year 6 Extras Brookies Eco Buddies Rock band Steel pans band Enterprise Challenge
Being Independent in Y6 Self-directed study in class Use homework to get into good independent study habits ready for high school P.E kits
SATs SATS week is w/b 11 th May 2015 Children will be tested in reading, SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar); and maths (both written and mental maths). There will be tests most mornings and some in the afternoons as well. Revision books will be handed out at Easter.
Maths SATs To be best prepared for the end of year, the children need to be confident in: Times tables (up to 12x) The four operations (+, -, x, ÷ ) Place value
Literacy SATs The spelling, punctuation and grammar test (SPAG) is new. It focuses mainly on word classes and common punctuation marks. We will hand out a glossary of terms to help your child. Reading – Encourage your child to read every day and talk about the book.
The fun side of Year 6 Ghyll Head Christmas and end of year productions Generally being the oldest and biggest in the school
Reminders Book bags – brought daily PE bags – bring in on Monday and stay in school Labelling – please label clothes with children’s full name Lost property – encourage children to be responsible for their possessions Jewellery – watches and stud earrings only (must be removed for PE) PE Kit - black or navy shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings a white t-shirt trainers for outside, pumps for inside
Any questions? DP