Selective Breeding Ms. Franklin October 30, 2012
GPS – S7L3c Students will recognize that selective breeding can produce plants and animals with desired traits.
Selective Breeding This is the oldest type of genetic manipulation. Breeding organisms for a desired characteristic. Works very well in plants. Also works with animals, but this can be more difficult.
Selective Breeding Mating animals to produce desired traits in offspring – Racehorses – Dog breeds – Chickens – Variegated roses – Giant pumpkins – Seedless fruits
Inbreeding Breeding organisms with specific characteristics generation after generation This does become risky because recessive traits can surface that are harmful
Pure Breed Animals Dogs, Cats, Horses, etc. End up with many problems- joint issues, blindness, etc. Mutts are often more healthy
Hybridization Breeding of two different species that results in an offspring Actually happens in nature (coydog/dogote and wolphins) Humans can do this on purpose to create desired traits, common example is the mule
Hybridization Liger is another example
Take this just a step further Scientists can hybridize the genes by adding DNA from one organism to another organisms egg (meta-cloning) Example: chickens that are both meaty and good egg layers