Interprets the laws Determines if they are constitutional or not
Term Life so they are free from political pressure Qualifications No specific, but usually a judge from a lower court
Supreme Court 9 Justices
John Roberts (2005 by GWB) Chief Justice (57) Antonin Scalia (1986 by Reagan; Age 76) Anthony Kennedy (1988 by Reagan; Age 76) Clarence Thomas (1991 by Bush; Age 64) Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993 by Clinton; Age 79) Stephen Breyer (1994 by Clinton; Age 74) Samuel Alito (2006 by G.W. Bush; Age 62) Sonia Sotomayor (2009 by Obama; Age 58) Elena Kaegan (2010 By Obama; Age 52)
Kagan Chief Justice Roberts Scalia Bader-Ginsberg Alito
Sotomayor Breyer Kennedy Thomas
JUDICIAL REVIEW Review laws Congress makes and determines if they are constitutional or not Gave themselves this power in the case Marbury v. Madison
Those things not specifically written in the Constitution but have become a part of our government through tradition Cabinet (advises the President) Judicial Review Political Parties Lobbyist (outside people hired to convince government officials to vote a certain way)