The Supreme Court
A. The Constitution B. Laws passed by Congress C. Treaties D. Diplomats from other countries E. Ships at sea F. Disputes in which the U.S. government is one of two opposing sides 1. 1.The Supreme Court has the Power to hear cases about:
G. Dispute between states H. Disputes between citizens of different states I. Disputes between one of the states and a foreign country J. Disputes between an American citizen and a foreign country
A. Judicial Review : the power of the Supreme Court to determine the constitutionality of federal and state laws What case established the doctrine of “judicial review”? Marbury v. Madison 2. 2.The Most Important Power of the Supreme Court
3. Courts of the Judicial Branch
1. The courts have the power to decide whether laws are constitutional or unconstitutional ( judicial review ) 2. They handle cases dealing with federal crimes (murder) A. A.Federal Courts
1. Holds trial and hears the facts of the case 2. Decides who is right or wrong 3. Decides who is guilty or innocent B. B.US District Courts
1.Hears appeal from lower court 2.No trials or facts 3.Decides if the judge or jury in the lower courts have made mistakes of law that could have affected the decision of the case If a mistake was made, the case is sent back to the district court for a new trial 4.Can be appealed to higher court– Supreme Court C. US Court of Appeals
1. Top of the federal court system 2. Was set up by the Constitution 3. Judges are called “Justices” Top judge is called the “Chief Justice” There are 9 justices on the Supreme Court They are in session from October to July 4. They decide what cases they want to hear D. US Supreme Court