Robert Shaw Traditional Theme School Class of th grade portfolio ENTER YOUR NAME HERE, YOUR HOMEROOM TEACHERS NAME, and DATE
WEEK 29- BLANTON View the power point slide and take notes using the next slide.
Career Cornell Notes Planning Interest Goals Skills I learned that, Preparation Education Salary Explore
WEEK 29 cont.- BLANTON FIRST, click on: town/main.cfm town/main.cfm NEXT, click on the tab labeled professionals THEN, click on Career Search Last, Click on level I, level 2, and level 3 pictures. Explore the different types of careers. Learn about what each person does.
WEEK 29- WHITE FIRST, click on: town/main.cfm town/main.cfm NEXT, click on the tab labeled professionals THEN, click on Career Search Last, select 3 career choices take Cornell notes on each using the next slide. Be sure to write what the career is and what you learned from the career.
Career Notes Career 1 Career 2 Career 3 The career that I think is best for me is I learned that,
WEEK 30-Ms. White FIRST, click on: town/main.cfm town/main.cfm NEXT, click on the tab labeled professionals THEN, click on Career Search Last, using the 3 career choices, narrow your choice to 1 next write Cornell notes on your topic career choice.
Target Career Notes Target Career Title and Cluster Training and Education: Work Environment: Salary:
Target Career Notes Cont. Job Outlook: Growth Opportunities: I learned that,
Career Notes PRE-WRITING I. Introduction (name the chose career interest identify the career cluster associated with the career, and list reasons why the career was chosen) II. Training and Education (the requirements for specific training or education needed to obtain a job in the chosen career interest, e.g., length of training/school, military, type of school/apprenticeship, major or degree, etc.) III. Work Environment (information such as indoors/outdoors, office or fieldwork, type of dress for work, individual or group work, etc.)
Career Notes Cont. IV. Salary, Growth Opportunities, and Job Outlook (opportunities for advancement and need for this type of career in the next 10 years) V. Closing (a reflection on the research information and a conclusion about whether the student continues to have an interest in the chosen career after researching and obtaining this information) VI. References of resources used in the research process it/career-town/main.cfm
WEEK 32- Dr. Blanton DRAFTING
INFORMATIONAL ESSAY DRAFT 1 st Paragraph: TITLE Hook Essential Background Thesis Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 2 nd paragraph 3 rd paragraph Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 1 st paragraph
INFORMATIONAL ESSAY DRAFT Cont. Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 4 th paragraph 5 th paragraph Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion
WEEK 33-Dr. Blanton DRAFTING
INFORMATIONAL ESSAY REVISING/EDITING 1 st Paragraph: TITLE Hook Essential Background Thesis Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 2 nd paragraph 3 rd paragraph Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 1 st paragraph
INFORMATIONAL ESSAY REVISING/EDITING Cont. Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion 4 th paragraph 5 th paragraph Topic Sentence Fact Opinion Conclusion
PUBLISHING Add Title Here By, ______ Add essay here
Add title here, Cont. Finish essay here
Reference page
Introduction Name the chosen career interest, identify the career cluster associated with the career, and list reasons why the career was chosen Insert Picture of career
Training and Education Above the requirements for specific training or education needed to obtain a job in the chosen career interest, e.g., length of training/school, military, type of school/apprenticeship, major or degree, etc. Insert picture of training here
Work Environment Add information such as indoors/outdoors, office or fieldwork, type of dress for work, individual or group work, etc. Insert picture of where the job is located here
Salary, Growth Opportunities, and Job Outlook Add the salary, growth opportunities, and Job outlook opportunities for advancement and need for this type of career in the next 10 years Add picture of salary or growth chart here
Closing Add a reflection on the research information and a conclusion about whether you will continue to have an interest in the chosen career after researching and obtaining this information Add picture of yourself here
References Add a list of references of resources used in the research process