RecruitingMonitoring Financial Aid Anagrams
100 points No official or unofficial visits or evaluations. OR Not living punctuation What is a dead period?
100 points Student-athletes may receive this on infrequent and special occasions. What is an occasional meal?
100 points The two categories of sports used to determine sport-by- sport limits. What are head-count sports and equivalency sports? 15.5
100 points Failure Every Five Year Rule
200 points This person may not take an official visit while enrolled in their 1 st year of junior college. What is a non-qualifier?
200 points A student-athlete may not use institutional facilities while performing this. What is a fee-for-lesson? (a)
200 points The type of aid that is limited to the value of a full grant- in-aid What is aid based on athletic ability?
200 points Complicator No In Me Compliance Monitor
300 points Maximum of 3 during official or unofficial visits. OR Flattering Confessions What are complimentary admissions? &
300 points A student-athlete must fill out this before any practice or competition may occur. What is a drug testing consent form?
300 points These meals may be received by scholarship and non- scholarship student-athletes at no cost to them. What are game-related meals? (meals incidental to participation)
300 points Iraq Fun No Lie Non-Qualifier
400 points In order to be this, you must be certified on an annual basis by successfully completing the coaches certification exam and you must be within the allowable coaching limitations in your sport program. What is an off-campus recruiter?
400 points A student-athlete may not miss class to participate in this type of activity. What is a promotional activity? (d)
400 points This aid is exempt if the student- athlete’s parent or guardian has been employed as a full-time employee or staff member by the institution for at least 5 years. What is an institutional employee dependent tuition benefit (faculty/staff scholarship)
400 points Snuffed Able Logo Golden Buffaloes
500 points You are only allowed to confirm or deny the recruitment of a prospective student-athlete. What are comments made before signing?
500 points A student-athlete does not need to fulfill a year in residence if they have this. What is a one-time transfer exception?
500 points Name the three types of outside aid with athletic criteria. 1.What is aid which is unrelated to athletic ability? What is aid of which athletics participation is not a major criterion? What is aid of which athletics participation is a major criterion?
500 points Stratifications Nevertheless Pet Tree Representatives of Athletics Interests