CENTRAL STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS National Letter of Intent Program & Recruiting-Travel Approval Process Devrance M. Fisher, Asst. Compliance Officer November 17, 2014
NLI Signing Dates for Prospective Student-Athletes Signing and Enrolling Sport (s)Initial Signing DateFinal Signing Date Basketball (Early Period) November 12, 2014November 19, 2014 Basketball (Regular Period) April 15, 2015Division II: August 1, 2015 Football (Midyear JC Transfer) December 17, 2014January 15, 2015 Football (Regular Period) February 4, 2015April 1, 2015 Other Sports (Early Period) November 12, 2014November 19, 2014 Other Sports (Regular Period) April 15, 2015August 1, 2015 Note: NLI’s are not permitted to be signed before the Initial and after the Final signing dates.
DEAD PERIOD DATES The Dead Period is the most restrictive time for communication between the college coach and the prospective student-athlete, and only allows letters, s and calls REMEMBER College visits are allowed, but PSA cannot meet the coaches. Football December 15 (7am) – December 17 (7am) For all two-year college PSA’s who intend to enroll midyear. February 2 (7am) – February 4 (7am) Men’s Basketball April 2-7(Noon) April 13 (7am) – 15 (7am) Women’s Basketball April 4-8(Noon) Saturday BEFORE the start of Division I Women’s Basketball Championship. April 13 (7am) – 15 (7am) Other Sports April 13 (7am) – April 15 (7am) IMPORTANTIMPORTANT
WHO CAN SIGN AN NLI? Prospective Student-Athletes who will be entering four year institutions for the first time as full-time students Note: Those that aren’t entering a four year institution for the first time can sign an athletic scholarship (grant-in-aid) only Transfers who are graduating from a two-year college Note: 4-4 transfers are no longer prospective student- athletes. Four-year transfers shall not sign NLI’s including international transfers. REMEMBERREMEMBER
Requirements Before Signing Before providing a written offer of athletics aid, a PSA must: Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center Be on our NCAA EC Institutional Request List (IRL) Present the Institution with a current high school, prep school or college transcript (official or unofficial) CSU Compliance Policy: Complete the EC Amateurism Questions.
Comments/Before After Signing Comments Prior to Signing. Before the signing of a prospective student- athlete to a National Letter of Intent or an institution’s written offer of admission and/or financial aid, a member institution may comment publicly only to the extent of confirming its recruitment of the prospective student-athlete Media Release Regarding Signing. Publicity released by an institution concerning a prospective student-athlete’s commitment to attend the institution shall occur only after the prospective student-athlete has signed a National Letter of Intent or after the prospective student-athlete’s signed acceptance of the institution’s written offer of admission and/or financial aid. Such communications, which are not limited in number or content, may be released to media outlets at the institution’s discretion except as limited by Bylaw However, an institution is prohibited from purchasing or receiving commercial advertising (e.g., print, media, billboard) to be used to identify a prospective student-athlete by name or picture. Violations of this bylaw do not affect a prospective student-athlete’s eligibility; however, such violations shall be considered institutional violations per Constitution Press Conferences. Institutional press conferences, receptions, dinners and similar meetings held for the purpose of making such an announcement are expressly prohibited One-Time Exception—Announcement of All Signings. An institution may make an announcement on the institution’s campus for the sole purpose of presenting at one time to the media the names of all prospective student-athletes who have accepted offers of admission and/or athletically related aid in a particular sport from that institution, with the understanding that no prospective student-athletes (or their friends or relatives) may be in attendance.
National Letter of Intent Status PSA MAY HAVE ONLY ONE VALID NLI If NLI is rendered invalid (e.g., NLI not filed within 14 days), may sign a second NLI in the same signing year. If NLI is rendered null and void (e.g., denied admissions, Non-Qualifier), permitted to sign another NLI the following signing year. If granted a complete release, may not sign another NLI during that same signing year.
Important Reminders Parents/Legal Guardians must sign and date the NLI if the student is under the age of 21 Athletic Grant-In-Aids must be signed by parents if the student is under the age of 18 – Note: If the prospective student-athlete’s parent or legal guardian is not available to sign the NLI (e.g., incarcerated, death), it is permissible for another individual to sign the NLI with the PSA. The cosigner must be approved in advance by the NLI Office. It must be signed within 7 days of issuance, if not, we will issue another if need be Recommended to Fax or and ALWAYS SAVE A COPY NLIs may be signed ON CAMPUS during official or unofficial visit, however, athletic staff nor media may not be present for on-campus singing. All forms must have all required Institutional signatures BEFORE sending to PSA.
How to request a NLI for PSA Complete the Athletic Aid and NLI Request Form
Devrance M. Fisher Compliance Officer Office Fax Cell Beacom-Lewis Gym Room 20 For all NLI Questions or Concerns Contact
Department of Athletics Recruiting-Travel Process
Recruiting-Travel Approval Process Authorization All CSU Recruiting Travel requests must be turned into the Compliance Office two (2) weeks in advance. -If an unexpected situation should arise please contact Compliance Steps for Recruiting Travel Pre-Travel Complete CSU Campus Leave Form (attach detailed travel itinerary) Return Campus Leave form to Devrance Fisher Wait for Authorization Approval (Compliance & Athletic Director) Form will be returned to your Athletic Departmental Mailbox Create Requisition/Check for PO PRIOR to travel. Post-Travel Complete Travel Expense Report Attach Campus Leave Form Procurement Card Statement Attach Original Receipts Note: All post travel receipts are due to the Compliance Office by the 5 th of each Month.
Travel Requisition/Campus Leave Form
Travel Expense Report
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Travel Requisition/Campus Leave Form is permission to represent CSU off-site. The leave form also authorizes you to be covered under the University’s Insurance. Travel Expense Reports are due to Accounts Payable by the 10 th of the month subsequent to travel. Expenses not authorized, not properly documented or out of compliance will not be reimbursed or will be recouped from employee if prepaid/Procard. If a ProCard is used to pay for meals while traveling, the total meal expense may not exceed the per diem rate for that day ($40).