1.Are you allowed to make a single copy of a chapter of a book? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. You may make a single copy of a chapter from a book.
Next question You may make a single copy of a chapter of a book.
2. Can you use a videotape labeled home use only if it is used in face-to-face instruction? YES NO
Go on to the next question….
Next question You actually can use a video marked For Home Use Only as long as it used in face-to- face instruction (not as a reward!!).
3. A teacher in your school copied a cute (copyrighted) holiday poem for her class. Can you make a copy of the same poem for your class? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. You may not make multiple copies of anything that has already been copied for another class in your school.
Next question You may not make multiple copies of anything that has already been copied for another class in your school.
4.You tape a great television show about the future colonization of Mars at home. May you show this video at school? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. The videotape may be retained for 45 days, but must be used in the classroom during the 1 st 10 school days after taping ONLY.
Next question Yes, you can. The videotape may be retained for 45 days, but must be used in the classroom during the 1 st 10 school days after taping ONLY.
5. You found a graph in a copyrighted book that would be perfect to use in instructing your students about graph reading. May you make a copy for each student in your class? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. You may make MULTIPLE COPIES of ONE chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture.
Next question You may make MULTIPLE COPIES of ONE chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture.
6. Can you right click and copy a copyrighted image from one web site to use on your own web site? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. You may not make a single copy of a copyrighted image onto a transparency or a web site. Make sure clip art you use is copyright-free.
Next question You may not make a single copy of a copyrighted image onto a transparency or a web site. Make sure clip art you use is copyright-free.
7. Can you show a videotape in your classroom to your students as a reward on Fabulous Friday? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. Videotapes may only be shown in face-to-face instruction in conjunction with the curriculum being presented in the classroom.
Next question Videotapes may only be shown in face-to-face instruction in conjunction with the curriculum being presented in the classroom.
8. You see an article in the newspaper that you would like to share with each student in your class? May you make a copy for each student? YES NO I dont know!
Go on to the next question…. You may make MULTIPLE copies of a periodical or newspaper article if it less than 2,500 words.
Next question You may make MULTIPLE copies of a periodical or newspaper article if it less than 2,500 words. If it is more than 2,500 words, you may only make a single copy.
9. You have decided to have your students learn to recite the poem When the Frost is on the Pumpkin.. by James Whitcomb Riley. The poem is 345 words long. Can you make a copy for each student? YES NO
Go on to the next question…. You make MULTIPLE copies of 249 words or less from a poem.
You may make MULTIPLE copies of 249 words or less from a poem.
Penalties for INTENTIONAL VIOLATION of copyright can be from $500 - $20,000 (statutory damages). If the court finds willfulness and/or willful commercial advantage and private gains, fines may reach up to: $250,000 and/or FIVE YEARS IMPRISONMENT.