Daniel C. Finley President and Co-founder Advisor Solutions, Inc. Mastering Motivation & Momentum Knowing How to Enjoy the Journey Regardless of the Weather
Hurry Up and Wait — A Motivational Case Study The Importance of Mastering Motivation & Momentum The Problem with Procrastination Motivation & Momentum Assessment 7 Solutions for Mastering Motivation & Momentum Action Steps to Gain Motivation & Maintain Momentum Session Agenda
James : The Early Years Rookie: 27 years old Business Status: Survival Mode The Challenge: oThe natural markets perception on him oLack of Direction oLack of Confidence The Solutions: oIncrease Technical Expertise oIncrease Experience oProspect Strangers The Motivation: Prove his natural market wrong! Hurry Up and Wait — A Case Study
James: Five Years Later Experienced Advisor: 32 years old Business Status: Beyond Survival Business is now growing steadily Earned trust of natural market The Challenge: Getting off the Production Trend Line Staying Motivated The Solutions: Get over his fear of failure Get over his fear of success Focus on activities The Motivation: None! Actions are Fear-Based “Hurry Up and Wait!” Hurry Up and Wait—A Case Study
James: In Another Five Years Seasoned Advisor - 37 years old Business Status: Decreasing Mode Bear Market Hit! Feels Lack of Purpose The Challenge: Clients doing less business Reluctant to call clients Reluctant to new prospects Focusing on uncontrollable issues: no motivation The Solutions: Understand your true value Focus on the opportunity in the obstacle Get in the Present: Make it a Game Focusing on controllable issues: activities The Motivation: Go Beyond “Hurry Up and Wait!” Hurry Up and Wait- Case Study
With so much importance placed on motivation, why is it so difficult for people to get motivated?? Understanding The Production Trend Line Production Support Line = Fear of Failure Production Resistance Line = Fear of Success The True About Production Trend Lines: The Underlining Emotion is Fear Fear is No Way to Run a Business! The Importance of Motivation & Momentum
“We should not view procrastination as a time management challenge, but instead look upon procrastination as an emotional challenge- a sign of how an advisor really feels about a task.” Daniel C. Finley Advisor Solutions, Inc. The Problem with Procrastination
Procrastination: An Emotional Challenge Perception of tasks Pleasurable, task gets accomplished Painful/uncomfortable, task is put off Excuses Time Management Unrealistic emotional perception Procrastination as motivating method When “pain” of not doing task is stronger than “pain” of accomplishing task Getting Beyond Procrastination Do not avoid it instead analyze your perception of the tasks and understand or question the validity of that perception
Please answer Yes or No to the following ten statements: 1.I do not have a fear of success. Instead, I continue with activities regardless of how well my monthly production is. 2.I have created a game out of my daily activities (and typically play the game more often than not) 3.I do not focus on past market returns and I am usually not concerned about where the “experts” say the market is going 4.I use time management tools to keep me structured during the day 5.I have a rewards system for myself if I reach my daily goals 6.I regularly track my progress towards obtaining my goals 7.I have an active pipeline which I update anytime I find a new prospect or convert someone to the next stage in the pipeline 8.I have tools that I use to manage my interruptions 9.I have an accountability partner that helps me stay on track with my goals 10. I have a way to unclog my pipeline when necessary Totals:Yes____No____ Motivation & Momentum Assessment
7 Solutions for Mastering Motivation & Momentum Solution #1: Go Beyond Fear Fear can motivate or create lack of motivation Fear of failure Fear of success Solution #2: Work in the Present Tune out distractions Operate in the NOW (like children do) Solution #3: Make Your Business A Game Create rules for your game Compartmentalize and prioritize your activities Set yourself up to win (initially) Raise the Bar each week/month Be sure to have the right tools to help you win
7 Solutions for Mastering Motivation & Momentum Solution #4: Get New Tools Be sure you have the right “equipment” The Bottom-Line List Time Matrix To-Do List Solution #5: Track Your Progress Macro to Micro Daily Score Card Bottom-Line List New Business Strategy List Solution #6: Unclog Your Pipeline Mapping Out Client Acquisition Process New Business Strategy List Solution #7: Get Business Leverage Accountability (to you and others) Rewards and Punishments Reward Systems for Others
Mastering Motivation and Momentum “ The greatest reward you can give yourself is the motivation to withstand any environment.” Daniel C. Finley Advisor Solutions, Inc.
Action Steps to Gain Motivation & Maintain Momentum Get Beyond Fear and into the Present by Creating a Game. Decide if you will use the Daily Score Card or Bottom-Line List Use the New Business Strategy List to record pipeline. Use your Time Matrix To-Do Worksheet to record and prioritize any and all interruptions during the day. Create your Reward System HAVE FUN WITH THIS!
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Daniel C. Finley President and Co-founder Advisor Solutions, Inc.