大學聯招講座 6/7/2012 (中五) 升學及就業輔導組
2013 大學聯招辦法 ( 四年制課程 ) 合資格申請人 - 持有香港中學文憑試成績 - 向九所參與聯招的院校遞交網上申請 表(港大、中大、科大、理工、城大 、嶺大、教院、浸大、公大)
2013 大學聯招辦法 申請程序 - 建立申請人帳戶 - 課程選擇 20 項 - 呈交 OEA ( 其他經驗與成就) ( 申請者) - 呈交 SRR ( 學校參考報告) (學校) - 呈交 SLP ( 學生學習概覽)(申請者) - :必須呈交 - OEA : Other Experiences & achievements - SRR : School Reference Report - SLP : Student Learning Profile
2013 大學聯招辦法 ( 四年制課程 ) 重要日期(官方日期) 申請日期: 25/9/ /12/2012 呈交 OEA : 25/9/ /2/2013 呈交 SRR : 25/9/ /2/2013 呈交 SLP : 25/9/ /3/2013 文憑試放榜 : 15/7/2013 聯招放榜 : 9/8/2013
2013 大學聯招辦法 ( 四年制課程 ) 新措施 (OEA) 輸入資料學生 活動項目(最多) 10 項 上載證明文件隨機抽查 學校核實不需要 附加資料 500 字
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION OEA - Activity Name -Category -Participation Mode -Activity Nature -Role -Award-bearing -Award-type -year -Description
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION OEA Category -Academic-related/Intellectual Development Program -Art, Music and other Cultural Development -Career-related Experiences -Community/School Services -Leadership Training -Moral and Civic Education -Religious Activities -Sports and Games
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION OEA Activity Nature - Award/Scholarship -Camp/Field Trip/Outing -Carnival/Ceremony/Exhibition/Exposition/Fun Fair/Performance -Charitable/Voluntary Work -Competition/Contest/Match/Tournament -Conference/Forum/Symposium -Examination/Qualification -Exchange/Visit -Internship/Seminar/Talk/Training/Workshop -Programmes organized by JUPAS participating- institutions -Student Ambassador
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION OEARoles - Leader/Chariperson/Trainer/Judge/Referee -Committee member/Organizer -participant/Member/Performer/Athlete -Audience/Helper (Assistant)/Trainee -Speaker/Presenter
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION OEAAward Nature - Champion/Gold Medal -1 st Runner-up/Silver Medal -2 nd Runner-up/Bronze Medal -Certificate of appreciation/ Acknowledgement -Certificate of Attendance/Participation -Certificate of Distinction -Certificate of Merit -Distinction/High Distinction -Merit -No Award -Other Award -Pass
OEA: Selection Criteria Order of importance (Posts, level of competition& awards) - Relevance - Strength they emphasize - Order of importance (Posts, level of competition& awards) - Relevance - Strength they emphasize
500-word Personal Statement “In general, we try to find out something about the applicant’s personality, aspirations, and motivation/suitability for the program applied. A good essay should tell a story and have a clear focus, reveal passion and expose personality, show creativity and independent thinking so that after reading, reader would form a unique impression about the applicant.” UST
2013 JUPAS APPLICATION School Reference Report (SRR) -Personal and General Abilities e.g. Creativity/sense of responsibility etc. -Academic Performance in School * Position in Form (All subjects) : Percentile (Top 10%/11-25%/25-50%/51-75%/Bottom 25%) S5 2 nd Exam (70%) + S6 1 st Test (30%) * Overall Rating e.g Excellent/very good/good/average/below average
重要事項 - 瞭解大學課程 - 選取 10 項 OEA - 草擬 500 字附加資料 ( 同學須於 7/9 將自述交給英文科老師 )
eful-material eful-material - eful-material
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