Finalist for the Michael Jasper Scholarship. This scholarship was created in the honor of Michael Jasper and his work to help student athletes. We appreciate all of the work of our finalists
Stacie Beegle Part of being in a sport is learning to take the good calls with the bad. That is why I feel that it is important to add good tennis court etiquette to sportsmanship.
Tylisha Bowser Each team member understands the time and effort that every player puts forth. High school athletes play because they love sports. The game is about having fun. I think sportsmanship means to have respect for others not just on the field but off the field as well.
Alex Brown No matter how competitive one gets, he or she should always remember to play in a respectful manner. I have learned that the most important thing was to have fun, keep a positive attitude, and most of all, be courteous and show respect to everyone and everything.
Kirstie Clevenger It is my belief that upon receiving your own award, you should turn to each side and congratulate the other gymnasts that have received awards whether they have placed higher than you or below you.
Steven Dull The rule that I would write for sportsmanship is that players learn not to let their emotions get the best of them. Even though they may not agree with the actions of others.
Haley Feaster Without determination and getting up and trying after I have failed, none of my successes would have happened. I believe being determined and following through with what you start makes you a better sport in many ways.
Azad Hirpara Sportsmanship in actuality is the essence of the spirit of sports competition. This idea governs the field and the court, and ensures that the game is played how it is meant to be played
Josh Krupa All athletes should be able to achieve in everything. They should not be put to the side or looked over because of any reason. Sports are meant to be fun and give everyone ample opportunities. Sportsmanship is giving fans, contestants, referees, and coaches respect and fair competition.
Devin Livingston If I could make a difference it would be that no student athlete should be subject to unfair criticism and humiliating behavior. Show appreciation for both teams and the level of their play
Amanda Naglic When you disrespect others you disrespect yourself and your team. I feel that opponents should be treated with the same respect, as a fellow teammate would be.
Kristianne Nave All people should be treated the same way whether he or she has great skills or no skill. One person can not win a basketball game, one person can not win a softball game, one person can not win any “team” sport. He or she will always need help from a teammate.
Andy Tomovich The true character can be observed during a sporting event. Whether winning or losing, an individual is constantly faced with decisions involve integrity. Having a positive effect on others is definitely a goal of sportsmanship. True sportsmanship is not just doing the right thing; it is taking pride in what one partakes in.
Alexis Pauley Overcoming my injury has made me want to work harder than ever before so that I can have one last chance to reach my goals. It has shown me to never give up and despite what happens be persistent and work hard in whatever I do.