Gifted and Talented Program Berkeley Heights Public Schools Grades 4 & 5
The vision of the grade 4 and 5 QUEST Enrichment instruction is based on the research that giftedness is not an endowment of nature, but rather a dynamic interaction of intelligence, creativity, and task commitment. Students who meet the criteria for acceptance into the program will acquire skills and understanding while researching topics that extend beyond the grade level curriculum. Students will be challenged to apply higher level cognitive skills in both a collaborative and independent setting to experience the world around them.
“The term ‘gifted and talented’, when used with respect to students, children, or youth, means students, children, or youth who give evidence of high achievement capability in areas such as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic fields, and who need services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop those capabilities.” (Title IX, Part A, Section 9101(22), p. 544) In summary, gifted children are a population who have different educational needs, thanks to their unique intellectual development. The gifted population represents about 8% of a given population.
To achieve this vision for grades 4 and 5 QUEST enrichment, the teacher will: foster an environment that applies the principles of brainstorming, collaboration, and independent learning. present content that is broad based and integrates multiple disciplines. address the various learning styles and multiple intelligences of the students. design independent and self-directed activities and study skills. incorporate logic, reasoning, and problem solving skills to respond to situations/events. develop experiences for the students to utilize analysis, synthesis, and evaluative skills.
provide instruction in media and technology to enhance presentation of final product. incorporate research, oral, and written skills and activities to communicate thoughts, outcomes, and understanding on topics of discovery. encourage thinking to produce new ideas/techniques/products which look at a situation from different perspectives. encourage an understanding of one’s strengths and areas of growth in order to direct how to proceed to meet expected end. evaluate the student’s process and outcome using various performance and authentic assessments which may include rubrics, checklist, self-reflections, and standardized instruments.
Reasons Well (good thinker) Intense Has a great sense of humor Learns rapidly Morally sensitive Early or avid reader Has extensive vocabulary Has strong curiosity Concerned with justice, fairness Has a long attention span (if interested) Perseverant in their interests Judgment mature for age at times Sensitive (feelings hurt easily) Has high degree of energy Is a keen observer Shows compassion Prefers older companions or adults Has a vivid imagination Perfectionist Has a wide range of interests Is highly creative Tends to question authority Has facility with numbers Good at jigsaw puzzles
Gifted children will produce more. Gifted children learn all subjects easily. Gifted children have strengths across the curriculum. Gifted children will learn on their own. Gifted education means more work. Everything comes easy for gifted children. It is easy to identify gifted students.
The revised selection criteria is as follows: 1. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) ◦ Local stanine of 8 or 9 in Verbal, Quantitative, and/or Non-Verbal sections ◦ 130+ = 3 points ◦ = 2 points ◦ = 1 point 2. Classroom Grades: Reading/Writing/Math ◦ A+, A, or S = 2 points ◦ A-, or D = 1 point 3. Teacher recommendations ◦ 18 points Maximum score possible = 36 points Top 8-10%
Teacher Recommendation Form-QUEST
Our curriculum stimulates creativity, higher order thinking skills, and problem solving. It includes a diverse array of topics, including, but not limited to: Independent Research Project Critical Thinking Skills Communication/Presentation Skills Vocabulary Building Brain Teasers Interview Skills Research Skills Technology Skills
Teacher observation Successful completion of projects/activities designed to extend the curriculum Participation in group activities Participation in class discussion Journal entries / Weekly work log Completion of homework as assigned by the teacher Formative assessment Summative assessment Self – evaluation Progress Reports 2X per year
The program commences the week of September 14 th Mountain Park (Mr. Morisseau) Wednesday 10:05-11:35 Grade 4 & 5 Thomas P. Hughes (Mrs. Nardi) Tuesday 10:10-11:40 Grade 5 Tuesday 1:15-2:45 Grade 4 William Woodruff (Miss Gasparini) Monday 8:40-10:10 Grade 4 Monday 10:10-11:40 Grade 5 Please see your school Principal for specific schedule questions
Students must make-up missed classroom work Students must complete any homework and/or research at home assigned from QUEST class
Listen to your gifted child and engage in frequent conversations. Encourage goals set by the child. Foster independence and decision making. Help your child with the need for perfectionism. Support your child’s interests. Allow your child the time to discover, to daydream, to contemplate, to create, and to have fun!
National Association for Gifted Children The NAGC is a national resource organization for teachers and parents of gifted children. National Research Center for the Gifted and Talented This center is directed by Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli of the University of Connecticut. National Society for the Gifted and Talented Advance the development of gifted, talented, and high potential youth, in the United States and abroad, through opportunities, advocacy, and exemplary programs and practices. Hoagies Resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children. Creative Learning Press Provides books, materials, and other resources for educators working with gifted or specially talented students.
Gifted and Talented Program Berkeley Heights Public Schools Grades 4 & 5