Annual Conference May 19 – 22, 2015 St. Augustine, FL
Financial Aid and Athletics Bob Zelinski National Junior College Athletic Association Florida College System Activities Association Men’s Athletic Commissioner
Terminology FCSAA-Florida College System Activities Association (athletics governing body in Florida) NJCAA-National Junior College Athletic Association (national governing body) LOI-Letter of Intent FCSAA-Executive Committee COP-Council of Presidents
Financial Aid and Athletic Eligibility The financial assistance awarded to a S-A, regardless of the source (e.g. college funds, booster club, foundation, civic group, private citizen) MUST be officially recorded in and disbursed by the college’s office of financial aid and/or business office.
Responsibility of the observance of the rules shall be upon the institution Includes the acts of personnel at the institution Includes the acts of outside individuals or organizations with the knowledge of any member of the college staff including athletic staff Includes student-athletes receiving aid who are required upon signing eligibility to verify that they have not violated the rules.
Institutional Athletic Aid Grants-in-Aid/Letter of Intent (LOI) Scholarship An athletic grant-in-aid may be awarded to any student- athlete in recognition of his/her athletic ability provided the student-athlete is admitted to the institution as a regular student. The grant-in-aid shall be limited to a maximum of: 1.Tuition and Fees 2.Room and Board 3.Books and up to a maximum of $250 in course required supplies per year-must be on syllabus 4.Transportation costs one time per academic year NOTE: Academic year defined as August 1-July 31
Letter Of Intent The LOI must be administered by the institution through the department which administers financial aid. The terms and conditions of the LOI must be given to the S-A no later then 15 calendar days after the beginning of classes of the term in which they participate. This is from the beginning of the first term of the college semester-not one of the mini-terms or “B”, “C” terms. LOI’s are in effect for one full academic year (Aug.1-July 31) unless a Released is provided to the student. A copy of the LOI must be on file in the Office of Financial Aid with all corresponding documents (e.g. Releases)
Practices Prohibited with the LOI Permitting a S-A to receive assistance in cash or in kind which is not administered by the institution and monitored by the business office (i.e. Booster clubs, support groups) Permitting a family member to receive assistance Permitting a S-A to engage in employment for greater compensation or for no work
Institutional Non-Athletic Aid Financial assistance awarded to the student that is not based on athletic capability Not verified by an NJCAA Letter of Intent Academic merit, leadership, President’s, minority scholarships Funding sources would be financial aid fees, auxiliary services, Foundations, private donors, corporations
Institutional Non-Athletic Aid Available to entire in- district student population Not awarded on athletic capability Must be officially recorded and administered by Financial Aid office Must be need based verified by FAFSA or academic based with 3.00 on 4.00 scale Limited to HS graduates in serving district Must not exceed tuition, books and fees
Financial Aid Limitation The total amount of all financial aid received by the S-A, may not exceed the listed amount necessary to attend the college as established by the College’s Financial Aid Office. ( This excludes state and federal entitlement programs based on need and/or academic merit e.g Pell Grant, FSEOG, Federal Work Study, Bright Futures, Florida Assistance Grants.
Financial Aid and Participation Report (FAPR) These documents are provided to each FCSAA member institution by the Commissioners to identify financial aid and eligibility. These are year end audits of Financial Aid and Participation required by the FCSAA Executive Committee
FAPR All students signed to an NJCAA LOI for the academic year are reported on Form A of the FAPR regardless of whether they were submitted on an eligibility form All students submitted on an NJCAA eligibility form for the academic year who were not signed to an NJCAA LOI are reported on Form B
FORM A First two columns the Commissioner's complete, the date of the LOI and the date eligibility was filed on the student (1)Social Security or College ID number (2)Student’s name (3) No Athletic Aid-student was signed but failed to enroll or was released prior to or on the 15 calendar day from start of term
(4) Athletic aid from institutional source (5) Aid from other source-Foundation, private donor, booster club, etc. (6) Check if received aid in Term I (Fall) (7) Check if received aid in Term II (Spring) (8) Check if received aid in Term III (Sum.) (9) Check if received need-based aid (10) Check if received academic merit aid (11) Will be checked if on eligibility and participated (12) Will be checked if not on eligibility or did not participate (e.g. injury)
If (12) is checked-comment must be made in (13) as to why (13) List the sources of aid from Columns 5, 9, and 10 along with the explanation for non-participation if column 12 is checked
Form B Form will have the eligibility date (1) List the SS or college ID number (2) List the student last name, first name, name of HS, city/state of HS and check if the HS is in-district (will be done by commissioner) (3) Check if aid is from institutional funds (4) Check if aid is from other sources
( 5) Check if received aid in Term I (Fall) (6) Check if received aid in Term II (Spring) (7) Check if received aid in Term III (Summer) (8) Check if receiving need based aid from Federal/State entitlements (9) Check if receiving academic-merit aid from Federal/State entitlements (10) Will be checked if on eligibility and participated (11) Check if submitted on eligibility but did not participate (e.g. injury/hardship)
(12) List the sources of aid form Columns 5,9, 10 and explanation if (11) is checked.
Form A and Form B Signatures are required on forms. NOTE: Form B requires signature even though no students may be listed on the form
SAVE THE DATE! FASFAA 2016 May Hyatt Regency, Coconut Point Resort & Spa Bonita Springs, Fl.