Anti-Smoking Web Quest 7 th Grade Health Education By Chad M. Spruyt
Introduction Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. On average about 3,000 kids start smoking every single day. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to your body. On average about 3,000 kids start smoking every single day. Why? They must not understand the negative effects of using tobacco, because if they did, they would think twice before smoking. Why? They must not understand the negative effects of using tobacco, because if they did, they would think twice before smoking. What can you do? How can you let everyone know the truth about tobacco? Can you find a way to prevent your classmates from smoking? What can you do? How can you let everyone know the truth about tobacco? Can you find a way to prevent your classmates from smoking?
TASK First, Team up with three other classmates and form an investigative team. As investigators, your first job will be to sort through different web sites and collect as much information about the dangers of smoking and tobacco products. Next, after you’ve gathered information from different web sites, your investigative team will create a 5-7 minute newscast dealing with the dangers of smoking and tobacco. Your newscast should demonstrate your commitment to tobacco prevention in our school.
Process 1. Below you will find 4 Internet links. Each investigator is responsible for exploring at least one of the sites and gather information for the groups newscast. Be sure to print out or take notes on the information you need. Remember, a good investigator gets the facts. Smoke ScreenersSmoke Screeners – Health facts for students Smoke Screeners Smoking & Tobacco UseSmoking & Tobacco Use – CDC Guidelines Smoking & Tobacco Use Smoking FactsSmoking Facts – American Lung Association Smoking Facts Tobacco Abuse Web PageTobacco Abuse Web Page – Community Learning Network Tobacco Abuse Web Page
***If you are having trouble at this point, be sure to get help from a teammate or the newscast “boss” (Mr. Spruyt). ***There are also additional resources (web sites) that your group may wish to visit in the “Additional Resources” section.
2. After your team has gathered the facts, your group will have to come together to start preparing the newscast. At this stage, your group will want to assign group roles. Each member should be assigned a role/roles. You can design any set of roles each team member will play but you must include the following: Producer – organizes newscast and makes sure everybody Producer – organizes newscast and makes sure everybody understands their role. understands their role. Anchor – sits at the news desk and usually begins the Anchor – sits at the news desk and usually begins the newscast. newscast. Reporter – gives report about something or interviews Reporter – gives report about something or interviews somebody. somebody. Set Designer – makes signs, displays, and props for the Set Designer – makes signs, displays, and props for the newscast. newscast.
Your team may also include roles such as: Cameraman (if your newscast will be videotaped) Cameraman (if your newscast will be videotaped) Commercial Person (if you newscast includes a commercial) Commercial Person (if you newscast includes a commercial) Interviewee (if you newscast includes an interview) Interviewee (if you newscast includes an interview) *Your team may think of another idea that would make the newscast really cool. Just remember that each member must perform at really cool. Just remember that each member must perform at least one role, and no more than two. Also, don’t forget that you’re least one role, and no more than two. Also, don’t forget that you’re a team. So, be sure to help each other. a team. So, be sure to help each other.
***If you are having trouble at this point, be sure to get help from a teammate or the newscast “boss” (Mr. Spruyt).
3. You must now decide how your program will be put together. With the help of all team members, the producer must begin to organize the newscast. Remember what your task is – tobacco prevention in your school. So, using the facts you’ve gathered, decide what information will be presented to your audience. Think of any questions that may need to be answered. Here are some examples: How deadly are cigarettes? What are some of the effects of smoking? How much money does a smoker spend on cigarettes? Do most kids end up smoking? Are cigars or chewing tobacco safe? How does tobacco influence athletic performance and personal appearance? **Don’t forget that your newscast can only last 5-7 minutes, so make wise decisions. Your news program should be both entertaining and factual. This is not an easy job, but I know you can do it.
4. Now that you have your roles and have gathered factual information, it’s time to begin rehearsing. Remember that practice makes perfect. So, start practicing and help each other. Don’t forget that you’re a team and good teammates always support one another.
***If you are having trouble at this point, be sure to get help from a teammate or the newscast “boss” (Mr. Spruyt).
5. You’ve done it!!! You’ve gathered the facts and you’ve practiced your roles. It’s now time to present your newscast. GOOD LUCK!!! I know you’ll do a great job!
Additional Resources Below you will find additional Internet links that may be helpful. As you investigate these sites, think of how this material might improve your newscast production - Tobacco prevention in youth - Tobacco prevention in youth - Anti-Smoking - Anti-Smoking Lists and Letter-writing Campaigns Lists and Letter-writing Campaigns Comprehensive and current tobacco news Comprehensive and current tobacco news Huge collection of internal tobacco industry Huge collection of internal tobacco industry documents documents Advocacy Website for Smokefree DC Advocacy Website for Smokefree DC Tobacco commercials, news clips and testimony Tobacco commercials, news clips and testimony
Evaluation Each team member will get three grades for this Web Quest. The first grade will be based on the newscast, which will be evaluated as follows: - Was the newscast information accurate? - Was the newscast entertaining and professional looking? looking? - Did the newscast get your points across? - Did each member perform his or her role assignment?
The second grade will be based on your teamwork. – Were you a good teammate? - Each of your teammates will talk to the “boss” (Mr. Spruyt) about your helpfulness. - The “boss” will them talk to you and give you a teamwork grade. The third grade will be based on your individual work. - How much information did you gather? - How well did you perform your assigned role?
Conclusion Now that you’re an “expert” on the dangers of tobacco, I’d like you to think about the following three questions: 1. What is the most important thing you learned from this Web Quest? 2. Does tobacco use make sense as an option in life? 3. If you knew someone who was considering smoking cigarettes, what would you tell them? While completing this Web Quest activity, I hope you had fun, gathered some new information, and most importantly – made a decision NOT to use tobacco.