AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives by Local Networks CAI-Asia Internal Secretariat Coordination Meeting 10 July 2004 Bangkok, Thailand
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives BAQ 2004 Commitments What is the status of the implementation of these commitments? What are the challenges faced in implementing these commitments? What are the proposed steps to overcome these challenges? How can the CAI-Asia community help?
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Commitments from Country Participants at BAQ 2004 Participants from these countries committed to undertake action to improve air quality in their country: China, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam and others
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives China Further define the organizational structure for the China network –CAI-Asia China Network as a vehicle to bring together different players in AQM, with SEPA as the leading government agency for the network Conduct structured consultation with network members –Consultation of players should include all stakeholders (such as cities, other government agencies, NGOs, academics, and experts) Emission apportionment studies Identify priorities where the network can add value to existing or planned AQM programs
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Indonesia Phase-out leaded gasoline nationwide by 2005 Adoption and implementation of National Action Plan on Integrated Vehicle Emission Reduction Developing I/M regulation for private cars and motorcycles Encourage city planning to have more environment-friendly road design and development Reform urban public transport Improve and optimize national air quality monitoring system Use CNG for Bus Way in Jakarta Parliament issues the Local Act on Air quality improvement management
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Nepal Increased awareness on air quality issues Improved I & M system Additional research including emission inventory in Kathmandu Valley
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Pakistan Awareness raising aimed at generating public support/concern for air quality improvement Legislation – establish ambient air quality standards Improved coordination among stakeholders working closely with provincial and city district governments Trial testing of I/M with private sector involvement Phaseout of 2-stroke auto rickshaws in major cities
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Philippines Periodic review of Air Quality Action Plan Consistent Air Quality Monitoring –Engage LGUs in air quality management and address sustainability Mobile Sources –Intensify anti-smoke belching campaign –Operationalize citizens suit against owners of smoke belching vehicles –MVIS to be implemented in small scale for gross polluters –Euro 2 standards for new vehicles and standard for 2 nd hand vehicles –Form multi-sectoral group to explore cost effective, mass transport solutions (e.g., BRT, bike lanes, pedestrianization) –Engage LGUs in anti-smoke belching campaign especially pollution from tricycles Improve Fuel Quality –CNG mother-daughter stations up and running midyear 2005 –Ethanol to be made part of fuel mix –Euro 2 for gasoline (lower sulphur), implementation by 1 st quarter 2005 Expand Clean Air Campaign to include Area Sources Indoor Air Pollution –Anti-smoking campaign
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Sri Lanka Main goal: To reduce present PM10 by 35% (base year 2003) and other pollutants proportionately Introduce emission standards for power plants Regular monitoring of rundown plants; auditing of power plants Amend the National Environment Act giving more powers to the general public Bicycle lanes for new urban roads Ambient air quality monitoring for selected cities Establishment of baseline emission inventory data base for high air polluting industries and development of mitigation strategy
AQM Strategies and Policy Initiatives Vietnam National Master Plan for AQ monitoring developed Capacity building on AQ monitoring through training, exchanges, focusing on QA\QC, data management Awareness raising for public on air pollution and health effects Reductions of vehicular emissions through tightening fuel quality specifications and issuance of road map for Euro 3 standard Emission inventories for Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City National Air Quality monitoring database developed Study on Air Pollution – Health – Poverty in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) completed A distance training program on AQM implemented with support from CATNet