LHCb Project Review Jim Libby 3 rd October 2005 LHC and LHCb status LHCb in Oxford Producing the hardware Preparing for data I: software Preparing for data II: physics
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review LHCb introduction LHCb is designed to: 1. make precision measurements of CP violation in the decay of all flavours of B mesons 2. search for New Physics in rare B decays that only proceed at loop level in the Standard Model i.e. B→K * μ + μ - Aiming to be making measurements from day one in 2007 Schematic of the LHCb experiment 2 Ring Imaging Cerenkov detectors (RICHes) provide particle ID over a wide range of momenta-key for hadronic B decays important for CP studies RICH electronics, mechanics and software, along with physics preparation and LCG are Oxford’s LHCb activities
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review LHC and LHCb status LHCb at IP8 on LHC ring-cryoline installation complete about this point LHC dipoles are being installed: nearly 100 out of 1234 LHCb installation is on schedule RICH2 ready to begin life underground t 0 for LHC still 1/7/07
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review RICH 2 complete
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review LHC and LHCb status LHCb at IP8 on LHC ring-cryoline installation complete about this point LHC dipoles are being installed: nearly 100 out of 1234 LHCb installation is on schedule RICH2 ready to begin life underground t 0 for LHC still 1/7/07
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review The Oxford group Faculty: N. Harnew & G. Wilkinson Dept. Lecturer: JL Adv. PPARC fellow: J. Rademacker* Postdocs: M. Adinolfi & R. Muresan Students: L. Somerville, V. Gligorov, I. Stoke-Rees (GRID), A. Powell & S. Brisbane Electronic Engineers: J. Bibby & P. Sullivan & (M. Jones) Electronic Technicians: N. Rotolo Drawing office and workshop: R. Senanayake, T. Handford, (W. Lau, B. Ottewell & S. Yang) System Engineers: S. Topp-Jorgensen & (I. McArthur) Grid programmers: C. Cioffi & A. Soroko New arrivals since October 2004 *Shared with CDF (Invaluable support) To be appointed: responsive RA to work on charm physics
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Producing the LHCb hardware Oxford’s responsibility is the front-end electronics for the RICH detectors Hybrid Photo-Detectors (HPD) detect the Cherenkov radiation induced photoelectrons on a 32×32 pixel detector encapsulated within the detector The L0 electronics: are located on the detector transfer the accepted data at a rate of 1 MHz services the pixel chip with low voltage, timing, trigger and control signals readout pixel chip silicon detector Schematic of a HPD section 72 mm
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review The production L0 board PIXEL anodes Kaptons PINT FPGA Trigger, Timing and Control PILOT: reference I and V for PIXEL JTAG: board/PIXEL setup Fibre optic data links 10 cm 16.5 cm
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review RICH front-end electronics Prototype L0 board validated in test beam during autumn 2005 and extensive lab tests in Oxford Production Readiness Review passed in June A few recommendations being implemented Production ready to commence once final tests completed < 1 month 300 boards to be produced then tested in Oxford 242 required to equip both RICHes On schedule for system tests and installation Single track Cherenkov ring: 10 GeV/c π in C 4 F 10 radiator (RICH1)
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review RICH1 mechanics With IC produced final design of the RICH1 gas enclosure Produced final engineering drawings Performed FEA to validate design Responsible for procurement Should be at Oxford in a couple of weeks Programme of leak tests in Oxford Will perform installation with IC Design of mechanical support and lifting rig Max deformation (out of the plane of plate i.e. bending): 0.144mm S. Yang R. Senanayake
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review RICH commissioning Neville is the RICH project leader during the production, integration and commissioning phase of LHCb Ongoing system tests at CERN with integration of production HPDs, L0 and L1 electronics, low and high voltage and control systems Mechanical units of 16 HPDs (columns) Single and triple column tests at CERN and with beam at Frascati in the next 6 months 40 MHz beam tests at CERN in summer 2006 Installation of L0 electronics in RICH2 will begin next year Significant participation by Oxford
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Preparing for data – RICH software RICH software project coordinated by Guy: Simulation Reconstruction: pattern recognition, particle ID and higher level triggers Calibration: alignment, calibration with data and database Using golden kinematics of D *+ →D 0 π + decays to select a pure samples of D 0 →K - π + (and charge conjugate decays) The charge of the tracks from the D 0 decays define pure samples of π and K from which identification efficiencies can be derived solely from data Preliminary studies show that the efficiencies match those derived from MC truth Potential for sub % accuracy π (GeV/c) K Raluca Muresan
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Preparing for data – losing the MC crutch In a similar vein, but moving away from the RICH and toward physics studies Flavour tagging L. Somerville has developed a methods to estimate mistag rates from self tagging control channels such as B→J/ ψK* encouraging first results The fitted lifetime : ± 12.9 μm True B lifetime : μm Lifetime fitting V. Gligorov has implemented Jonas’ CDF method for using a data-derived acceptance function to correct for impact parameter selection induced bias
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Exploiting the data LHCb will make important measurements from day 1 To achieve this a new working group structure is in place: Guy co-convener of the CP measurements group A physics book targeted at outlining the path to first publications is in preparation-completed by end of 2006 Oxford is very active in physics studies particularly related to the angle
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Getting at γ LHCb will make direct measurements of the unitarity triangle angle γ Current indirect precision will improve before 2007 We must do better directly! Classic channel B s →D s K suffers several problems with ambiguous solutions and limited statistics (14 o precision in one year) EPS 2005 without direct measurements We are exploring new channels to measure γ
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review γ is the weak phase between b→cus ( V cb ) and b→ucs ( V ub ) Two very promising strategies being pursued in Oxford Dalitz plot fit to 3 body decays D 0 →K s ππ exploits interferences between sub-resonances in decay Current world best measurement from e + e - B factories LHCb expects ~2000 events to tape per year Atwood-Dunietz-Soni method with D 0 →Kπ and D 0 →Kπππ Toy studies by Guy indicate ~5 0 with 1 year of LHCb data Global fit strategies Measuring γ: B + →D 0 K + No need for a time-dependent analysis
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Exploiting the data LHCb will make important measurements from day 1 To achieve this a new working group structure is in place: Guy co-convener of the CP measurements group A physics book targeted at outlining the path to first publications is in preparation-completed by end of 2006 Oxford is very active in physics studies particularly related to the angle New RA will explore the potential for charm physics at LHCb Inclusive D* higher level trigger stream will provide ½ a billion D 0 decays a year Allows sensitivity to direct CP violation at level well below that predict by the SM Unique opportunity to explore possible new physics induced CP violation in the up-type quark sector complements studies in down-type K and B sectors
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Toward the rolling grant-manpower Position05/0606/0707/0808/0909/1011/12 N. Harnew G. Wilkinson0.5 J. Rademacker J. Libby1.0 M. Adinolfi1.0 eScience RA (RM)*1.0 GRID RA (AS)* GRID RA (CC)* Responsive RA New RA for physics1.0 J. Bibby0.5 P. Sullivan N. Rotolo S. Topp-Jorgensen R. Senanayake0.7 Mech. & Draw. Office Colour Key Academic RA Support *Positions currently end 9/07. Plan for them to be continued. (Current post holders initials in parenthesis) £5-10k non-staff cost/annum
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review Looking forward to 2006 When this talk is given next year data taking will be 9 months away! L0 electronic production near completion RICH1 will be installed RICH commissioning of hardware and software will be well underway Putting the physics tools in place to maximize the data from day one: Controlling systematic effects with data Measuring γ Charm physics
3/10/2005 Oxford Project Review LCG activities