1 Scholarship – 2009 Design (93307) Examples of Candidate Work
2 Outstanding Scholarship This submission, The Big Bad Wolf uses drawing with consummate skill to generate characters for illustrations for an original graphic novel. All of the characters are invented with intelligence and insight using a range of drawing processes. A large variety of environments (landscapes, buildings – interior/exterior, spaces) have been explored as potential settings for the characters. The candidate has investigated the relationship between the characters and the narrative by using a wide range of viewpoints, zooming techniques and contextual studies. The characters interact convincingly due to the understanding of layout, composition and the emotive facial and body expressions developed through drawing. A key strength on the portfolio is the understanding of design processes appropriate to the genre of the graphic novel, narrative and characterisation. There is ongoing evidence of complex compositions for each page layout, including plotting of landscapes. The story shows an effective use of pace and contrasts between intense emotion and action and a cinematic approach. Typography has been treated thoughtfully and shows a strong understanding of the conventions of hand drawn graphic novels. The workbook presents the entire graphic novel with complete storyline; an impressive body of work with explanation of the critical and evaluative processes involved. The candidate has critically edited a selection of work that best explains the story to display on the portfolio; this selection leaves the viewer wanting more. The workbook contains appropriate established practice research of which the candidate has learnt from and strengthened their understanding of illustration. From this research the candidate moves beyond the workbook research to create their own visual language, which pays particular attention to detail and individual drawing style.
14 Scholarship This The proposal for this submission is for an Arts Magazine, Armada, which sets about designing a promotional voucher, magazine cover including packaging, an article centred on a short story and a billboard. This candidate has engaged in a thorough and comprehensive investigation resulting in a significant body of work. The strength of the initial ideas and subsequent exploration is based on the candidate’s own photo shoot and well-observed drawings. Both demonstrate an inventive and wide-ranging approach to generating and establishing source imagery. A range of approaches to drawing are evident in the portfolio and workbook; the linear stylistic botanical images, photographic drawing, detailed representational work and painterly portraits. These provide a rich visual vocabulary and at the same time generate a pool of opportunities and options. The cover and promotional voucher on board one synthesise and effectively integrate these differing graphic attitudes and sensibilities, providing a strong basis for the briefs thereafter. A range of typographic treatments have been explored and employed to develop a masthead that sensitively compliments the text and image relationship. The masthead has been developed simultaneously with the cover, which leads to the successful integration of form and aesthetic. The candidate has designed their own wrapping paper pattern, which has also been employed in the packaging brief and which contrasts the more contemporary pattern-making system, evident in the original Victoriana-style drawings.