Team Churro: Sharon Grimshaw, Maggie Su, Louis Yi, Morgan Zheng
Project Goals Safe and sturdy Attached to base plate Stove relatively enclosed Easy to use and maintain One container to load Cooking time preset User choice in length and shape of churro Button pad to choose
Logistics Budget: spent $ and do not envision spending any more money Looking back: did not have to be quite as concerned about budget, which would have helped us to stay on schedule Schedule: a bit of a push at the end, but fairly well planned out Looking back: could have started testing earlier so that we had more time to address problems that came up
Mechanical: Overview
Mechanical: Subsystems Left: Extruder Right: Tip exchanger
Mechanical: Subsystems Lifter mechanism
Mechanical: Subsystems Stirrer Sugar tray shaker
Electrical: Overview
Electrical: Subsystems Steppers
Electrical: Subsystems Servos
Electrical: Subsystems Buttons Thermocouple
Software: Arduino Waits for two inputs Runs through sequence of motors: Extruding and cutting Stirring Lifting Shaking Monitoring temperature of oil and time throughout cooking process Safety gauge: flashing light with frequency determined by temperature of oil
Questions or Comments? DEMOS!!!