Organizing your Interactive Note Book Environmental Science and Biology Classes
What you will need Three subject or Five subject spiral notebook with plastic cover. Color pencils or markers. Glue, glue sticks or tape. Scissors. The set up pages handed out in class…including the Table of Contents for your class.
Page by Page Your packet is stapled in order. Start with the inside cover of the notebook. Be sure to put color on every set up page. If you are using white glue…give it time to dry before closing the notebook. Scoring rubric will be placed on the inside front cover.
More Pictures First sheet of notebook paper. Interactive Notebook Guidelines
So far…. The first two pages of your stapled packet are now in the notebook.
More… You should be on the third page of your stapled packet. Cut this page in half. Place the right side on the right and the left side on the left.
The last page of your packet…. Cut your reflection and parent review in half and add to your notebook.
Notebook cover Design a notebook cover. It should include your name, the class title, the room number and your class period. BE CREATIVE! USE COLOR!
Almost done! Your table of contents should be next.
Finally…number your pages Page 1 Page 2 Page 1 Page 2 The syllabus is on page 2….Biology students number the first 50 pages. Environmental science students number the first 30 pages.