Red Ribbon Week 2010 October 25 th - October 31 st Students of Princeton are Proud to be drug free… Friday, Oct. 22nd- I Pledge to be Drug Free Day As a Princeton family, we will kick off the Red Ribbon Week celebration by taking an oath to live, work and play DRUG FREE! All participants are encouraged to wear red in support of being and staying drug free. Newsletter will be sent to parents about incorporating drug prevention education into their daily living. Monday, – Oct. 26th Hooked on Books not Drugs – Parents and community partners are invited to spend time reading in classrooms with students. Please contact your childs teacher if you are interested in participating. School wide, students can participate in a BOOK SWAP. Bring in a previously read book and swap for a book out of the donated book bin to encourage student reading & to promote succeeding through reading. Tuesday, Oct.26th - Lets Team up against Drugs – School wide we are teaming up for the fight against drugs by wearing our favorite sports team paraphernalia in support of drug free lifestyles. Wednesday, Oct. 27th – Join the Fight against Drugs Camouflage/Fatigue Day - Winning the war on drugs takes a community effort so wear your camouflage/fatigue gear to show we stand together as we fight for what is right. Thursday, Oct. 28th – Give drugs the boot Day – We will be wearing our favorite boots and out western inspired attire to show that the Princeton family is choosing to stand together as we are giving drugs the boot. Friday Oct. 29th- "Close the door on Drugs" Day – Each homeroom will decorate their door in a theme related to being drug free and to highlight our Red Ribbon Week culmination. Classes will parade the school and vote on their favorite door. The class with the most votes will win a pizza party. We also ask that you join us as we encourage and inspire our community & school-wide support of drug-free lifestyles by decorating your door as well. Throughout the week, specific classes and/or grade levels will participate in classroom guidance, assembly or motivational media about drug and alcohol prevention. *The celebration of being drug free is not just a school event; Parents use this time to educate your child on drug awareness issues and to promote family sponsored red ribbon week activities. Please see the back of this flyer for suggestions on how you, as a parent, can further promote the importance of Saying No To Drugs with your child.* Parents, During Red Ribbon Week, your child will have the opportunity to participate in several activities related to the celebration and promotion of being drug free. Some of the activities include:
Red Ribbon Activities REAL Life is Drug-Free 10 Activities For Families Come out to the Family Fall Festival Oct. 16 th – Guaranteed fun for all Wear red ribbons to work to show your support Learn about how to help our children make good decisions to succeed in life as well as how to juggle work, family and lifes demands in our Nurturing Parenting Program starting Nov. 1 st 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.- Dinner will be served Take your family skating and skate away from drugs Have children wear their red ribbons on Halloween and say Boo To Drugs Plan a Family Fun Night during Red Ribbon Week complete with food, games, and activities Spend an afternoon volunteering for your favorite cause Use Red Ribbon Week as a catalyst for talking with your children regarding your familys position on the use and abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs Be a good role-model, not for just your children, but for those in your community Organize an event in your community & ask neighbors to put red bows on their mailboxes. Cook a red inspired supper Participate in the PASSPORT seminars – on January 11, 18, and 25, :30 – 8:30 p.m. 10 New Things to do Instead of Drugs Make up a new dance Write a letter to a relative to show how much you care Make cookies with your family & give them out Volunteer Re-write inspirational lyrics to a popular song Learn a new hobby Have an ice cream party Exercise outdoors Start a club with your friends Help your parents make your favorite dinner 5 Ways to Say No To Drugs 1.ARE YOU CRAZY! NO WAY! 2.No, I like my brain the way it is. 3.Gee, thanks but Im high on life! 4.Not today, not tomorrow, How about never? 5.I dont have time for drugs! Princeton Eagles have better things to do then drugs. Real Life IS Drug Free! Princeton Elementary Juanita Letcher, Principal Angela Holcomb, Prevention Intervention Student Support Specialist For more information about Red Ribbon Week or resources for students or parents, view the Princeton ES Prevention Intervention webpage at