BUFN722- Financial Institutionsch Introduction Elinda Fishman Kiss, Ph.D. (Univ. of Rochester) Former Professor - Rutgers, Temple, Wharton, Wellesley, PSU, TCNJ, Drexel RTC (Resolution Trust Corp.) PSFS (Philadelphia Savings Fund Soc.) Citicorp Investment Bank First Pennsylvania Bank (now Wachovia) Federal Reserve - Board of Governors; US Treasury Treasurer - Custom Equipment Mfg., Inc. & web page Cell Fax (home) (university) Recipient of the Krowe and Wikler awards for Teaching Excellence
BUFN722- Financial Institutionsch on index cards Course and section number (e.g., 772 or 445, DC06?, 02DC?) name phone number (Home) (Office) (cell) address - very important - will send you class announcements in Include as many s as you wish – home, office, university, etc. – PLEASE PRINT YOUR ADDRESS IN CAPS past Finance courses employment - what do? where? social security number or student ID Are you registered? yes/no Are you completing incomplete? yes/no Sign the card on the back of the card
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BUFN722- Financial Institutionsch for you to get my class notes send me your address to: or use an address that allows attachments - you can get a free account from University computer center (I may send you notes as attachment, which you can download) The notes are in Powerpoint presentation format. You can print the slides (in black & white) 6 (or 3 or 4) to a page or in outline form - Select this option by clicking on File Print Print What [& arrow down to: Outline View or 6 (or 3 or 4)slides per page] then you can make notes beside each one. I will try to have the slides available one day before each class; there is no guarantee that I will cover all the material in each set of class notes - or that I will add new material in class If you do not have PowerPoint, you can download PowerPoint viewer (a free download) at Web Browsers & ViewersPower Point Viewers Microsoft Power Point Viewers – you can read the slides but can print only one per page
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