Webquest Social Studies
http://school. nettrekker. com/tts/external. epl/http://www. isu http://school.nettrekker.com/tts/external.epl/http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/goldcountry.html Where can most of the world’s gold be found? If a gold-miner earned a dollar back home, how much could he earn in a day by mining? What happened to Mr. Sutter’s property during the gold rush?
Chinese Transformed Gold Mining In 1848, what name was California known as? According to the census, in 1851, how many Chinese men and women were in California? When gold mining didn’t work for Dr. Herbert Yee, what did he do?
Fortune Smiled On Many Black Miners. How did some of the slave get their freedom during the gold rush? In 1863, how much were African Americans worth? How did one African American lose his gold mining fortune?