Savings and Investments
Wills Legal document that specifies how you want your property to be distributed after your death. Intestate Die without a legal will State will step in and control the distribution of your estate. Probate Legal procedure of proving a will to be valid or invalid.
Wills Simple will Leaves everything to your spouse Formal will Prepared by an attorney. Holographic Will Handwritten will that you prepare yourself Needs to be written, dated, and signed entirely in your own handwriting.
Other Legal Documents Trusts Legal arrangement that helps manage the assets of your estate for your benefit or that of your beneficiaries. Living Will Document in which you state whether you want to be kept alive by artificial means if you become terminally ill and unable to make such a decision. Power of Attorney Legal document that authorizes someone to act on your behalf.
Guardian Person who accepts the responsibility of: 1. Providing children with personal care after their parents’ death 2. Managing the parents’ estate for the children until they reach a certain age