Andrew Jones Probate Property UK PROBATE PROPERTY INSIDER BRAND NEW 2011
So... Why Should YOU look at Probate Property...?
Traditional BMV Is Dead...! Traditional BMV Is Dead...!
Traditional BMV Is Dead...! Traditional BMV Is Dead...! COMPETITION!
“Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can’t buy what is popular and expect to do well” “Most people get interested in stocks when everyone else is. The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can’t buy what is popular and expect to do well”
ONLY GENUINE Way To Buy BMV Now... ONLY GENUINE Way To Buy BMV Now... ZERO Competition... UNLIMITED Lead Source of Property... UNLIMITED Lead Source of Property... UNAFFECTED By the Market... UNAFFECTED By the Market... 30%-60% + Possible...
1)Introduction Why/What... 2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions... 2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions... 3) Survey Results Snapshot... 4) Designing YOUR Programme... 4) Designing YOUR Programme... 5) PPI Programme Unveiled... 5) PPI Programme Unveiled... PROBATE PROPERTY INSIDER 6) Our Offer To You...
What’s YOUR Why...? 1) Introduction
25 Years Of City Life Years Of City Life...
Waking Up To A New Lifestyle... Waking Up To A New Lifestyle...
So... Why Probate Property...?
£121,000 PROFIT From Just One Probate Property... £121,000 PROFIT From Just One Probate Property...
£121,000 PROFIT From Just One Probate Property... £121,000 PROFIT From Just One Probate Property... 30% + Discounts...
“Nearly £1TRILLION Of Property Owned By People Over 65 With No Mortgage”
“Market Movers”
“Probate is Critical to Property Market”
“500,000 New Opportunities Every Year”
Not JUST Property...
-Free Land -Conditional Contract -£75-£100k Profit Land...
Cars... -£12k Renault Cleo -Sold for £9k to Dealership
Planes... -Joint Share Ownership -Sold for £8k
Antiques, Jewellery, Cash etc...
HIDDEN Cashflow...
“Probate is the Best Kept Secret In Property”
NOT Advertised...?
Zero Competition! Positively Motivated Sellers! Untapped In The UK! Unaffected by Market...
Probate Will ALWAYS Be With Us! Probate Will ALWAYS Be With Us!
2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions... 2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions...
2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions... 2) YOUR TOP 5 Questions... Q1 HOW Do I Make Money With Probate?
Q2 How Do I Find Probate Property?
3 Main Methods Using... Online and Offline Tools... 3 Main Methods Using... Online and Offline Tools...
Highly Targeted Leads...
-We know someone passed away -We know they have property -We know the situation within the Estate -We know the value of the estate Most Importantly We know EXACTLY the BEST TIME to make contact
100’s of FREE LEADS...
Cost of Leads: -Online research cost = £0.00 -Physical research cost = £0.00 -Lead qualification cost = £0.00 -Document retrieval cost = £5.00 per lead (ideal but not essential)
Q3 Do I Need Specialist Legal Knowledge?
Q4 Will I find Probate In My Own Area?
Do People Live In Your Area? Do People Pass Away In Your Area? Do People Own Property In Your Area? Do Estates Need To Be Closed When somebody Passes Away?
Q5 HOW Do I Finance Probate Property?
Many Different Ways?
What’s Your Strategy? BTL... Refurbs... Lease Options... Flipping...
REMEMBER... THE POWER OF JV’s & Partnerships? REMEMBER... THE POWER OF JV’s & Partnerships?
3) Survey Results Snapshot...
4) Designing YOUR Programme... 4) Designing YOUR Programme... Delivering Exactly What YOU Asked for... Delivering Exactly What YOU Asked for...
AT LAST! Something New... AT LAST! Something New...
SNEAK PREVIEW... Here’s What YOU will be Getting... SNEAK PREVIEW... Here’s What YOU will be Getting... 5) PPI Programme Unveiled... 5) PPI Programme Unveiled...
Here’s What YOU will learn In the Probate Property Insider Programme... Here’s What YOU will learn In the Probate Property Insider Programme...
Discs 1-4
Discs 5-8
Discs 9-12
Putting The Whole Thing Together... Disc 13
YOU Get x Video/Audio Discs + 14 X Transcripts/Study Guides + Binder...
Your Bonus Items...
Everything To Get You Started In Your New Probate Property Business...
Our Guarantee To YOU...
6) Our Offer To You...
Normal Pricing...
SPECIAL OFFER... Rob and Mark Subscribers ONLY SPECIAL OFFER... Rob and Mark Subscribers ONLY
SPECIAL OFFER... Rob and Mark Subscribers ONLY SPECIAL OFFER... Rob and Mark Subscribers ONLY
£997 + VAT Cutting the Price for the Action the PSC... Cutting the Price for the Action the PSC...
£997 + VAT Cutting the Price for the Action the PSC... Cutting the Price for the Action the PSC...
£997 + VAT Why...? 28% OFF...!!
IF... you Take Action Now...!
Making Money in your Leisure Time... Saturday 26 th 2011
Making Money in your Leisure Time... -Highly Targeted Lead (FREE) We know; -Someone passed away -We know they have a Property -We know what’s in the Estate -We know the property has to be sold -Highly desirable Area