2 Overview of the research process A research is a study with a clear purpose in mind. Doing research is a process. The research report should make clear: The objective(s) of the researcher The process of obtaining the objective
3 The research process An intellectual interest Literature review Research questions Research Q refining Research hypotheses Research design Data collection Data analysis Research findings Research implications
4 Management Finance or Accounting Tourism Marketin g Economics An intellectual interest
5 Management text book Management theories Management articles Management journals Management contemporary discussions Researches in Management Literature review Management Motivation Find gaps in:
6 Does staff motivation improve firms’ performance? Is this research question “do-able”? How should we operationalise this research questions? Research questions
7 Staff motivation =??? Improve = ??? Firms’ performance = ??? Research Question Refining Does the firm’s financial motivation lead to higher productivity/ growth/revenue? or Does the firms’ non-financial motivation lead to higher productivity/ growth/revenue?
8 Research hypotheses Financial motivation Non-financial motivation Firm’s productivity H1 H2 H1: Higher financial motivation leads to higher firm’s productivity H2: Higher non-financial motivation leads to higher firm’s productivity
9 Qualitative vs. quantitative Sampling issues Measurement issues Research design
10 Primary data Research tools Survey Interviews In-depth interviews Focused group interviews Observation Obtrusive vs. unobtrusive Field trip…. Secondary data Source of data Credibility Methods of analysis ReliabilityValidity Data collection
11 Should be appropriate for the research design and data collection methods Describe the analysis methods (content analysis, linear regression, non-linear regression…) Describe the possible limitations of the methods Data analysis
12 Describe the research findings with relevant evidences Compare research findings with the research hypotheses Compare research findings with the findings from other research from literature review Research findings
13 Discuss the importance of the findings for relevant stakeholders Business/ firms Staff Policy makers Discuss the importance of the findings for academic research Discuss the implications for future research Research implications
14 Order of contents A thesis follows the following order: Title page Abstract Statement of authorship Acknowledgments Table of contents List of tables, figures and illustrations (not necessary if less than 10 items) Main text Bibliography or List of References Appendices
15 Main text The main text covers the following chapters Introduction Overview background Research significance Problem identification Research question and hypothesis Literature review Research methods Research findings and implications Research limitations and future research possibilities Conclusions
16 Planning your thesis Divide the thesis writing work into manageable pieces 1.Select research topic and supervisor 2.Submit the general outline 3.Submit the detailed outline 4.Submit first draft 5.Submit second draft 6.Submit final version 7.Prepare for the presentation
17 Other notes on format International Standard Paper Size A4 (297 x 210mm) should be used. The typing: 1.5 spaced Clear and legible font Single sided or double-sided Left and right margins: no less than 30mm Page numbers should appear inside the margins. Pages should be numbered consecutively and clearly. Folding diagrams or charts should be arranged so as to open to the top and right. No spelling, grammar, punctuation and word choice mistakes The bibliography is complete and exact.
18 Notes Stick to deadlines (Gantt Chart) No further change of research question after submitting detailed outline Consult your sup in every single step Meet/contact at least once every week Do not feel discouraged if your findings do not support your hypothesis Allow enough time for research paper binding Present your research effectively
19 Concluding words