CHINESE 101 By: Michael Siy
Have You Ever Wondered… What those strange symbols were? During some Chinese movie, what they are saying without reading those boring captions? What do Chinese people say during their conversation? If you got to China and you needed to go to the restroom or you got hungry, what would you do? Well Here In Chinese 101 You’ll Learn It All! *Not Everything Guaranteed, no refunds*
Introduction Mandarin is the official Chinese language and that is what I will be teaching you today. We will begin with the basics: the alphabet, numbers, then go on to some words.
Alphabet The Chinese alphabet contains 21 like consonants and 16 vowels It is sung with the song of “twinkle, twinkle little star” There is about 2-3 alphabet letters to one character (word) *[Listen to tape]* *[Look at Board]*
Chinese Numbers e er san si wu 一 二 三 四 五 One Two Three Four Five liu chi ba jiu sure 六 七 八 九 十 Six Seven Eight Nine Ten
Chinese Numbers Beyond ten is easy, just use the first character 10( 十 ) and the second character one( 一 ), put them together to make 11. If 21 is what you are after, then just write 二十一 (2-10-1). Stroke is always an important thing in the Chinese Language.
Words All these words I’ll show you would be learned in Chinese kindergarten. There is a style to write the word a certain way, people get mad at you if you do it wrong so don’t. *[Look At Michael]*
Languages There are more than one Chinese language, Mandarin is the official and national language. There are about 35 different provinces in China, for example if you would like to travel to Canton their dialect would be Cantonese or if you go to Fuchow then you would speak Fukien. In conclusion, each different cities in China has their own different dialect.
Names A lot of people always asks me what’s their name in Chinese so I’ll describe it to you A name consists of three characters only. The first character is your last name. The second character is the generation your in. The third is your own personal character, given when your born; my grandma gave me mine.
Credits My mom and dad hardict.html
Congratulations ! You Have Passed Chinese 101 (Chinese Kindergarten)
The End