Chapter 2 Lesson 4 Animal Life Cycles
What are the stages of an animal’s life? Stages of growth and change make up an organism’s life cycle.
What is Metamorphosis? Metamorphosis is a series of very different body forms including incomplete and complete metamorphosis.
How do Animals Reproduce? One or more animal makes offspring together. Budding, one parent. Regeneration, one parent. Fertilization, two parents.
What is inherited? Inherited means something received by the offspring from the parent.
Metamorphosis Incomplete Metamorphosis Each body form is separate, changes little by little (gradual change). Example: Damsel Flies grows and change by molting or molts. Molting is when an animal sheds their skin or they are too big for the exoskeleton.
Metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis Butterflies go through complete metamorphosis. Each life stage is different than any other stage.
Inherited Inherited traits: eye and hair color, shape, how tall you are, dimples ( the dots on your cheek) Inherited Behavior: actions that you do without learning. You know how to do these actions since you were born. Ex: crying A. Reflex- simplest action that you do not need to learn. Ex: blinking (closing and opening your eyes) B. Instinct – actions that you did not need to learn. Ex: Running from a lion that is chasing you.
Inherited Learned Behavior IS NOT INHERITED. When you came out of your mommy during birth you were not able to speak Chinese or English. So speaking Chinese or English is a learned behavior. YOU MUST LEARN AND STUDY HOW TO DO IT. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE! Ex: walking, speaking a language, reading, playing basketball, etc. etc.
Which is inherited behavior. Which is learned behavior Which is inherited behavior? Which is learned behavior? Which is an inherited trait?
Answers Timon blinking is an inherited behavior called reflex. Walking is learned behavior The color of eyes is an inherited trait.