Research and Innovation Research is the transformation of money into knowledge Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money -Geoffrey Nicholson, 3M (Inventor of the Post-It Note)
MarketFocus Intellectual Rigor Systems Focus Transition to Use Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Global Impact The Tech Research Enterprise *Georgia Tech Research Institute, Enterprise Innovation Institute led by faculty, powered by ideas, focused on innovation
Elements of Interdisciplinary Research
Market centric focus on research
The 3 I’s Innovation = Insight + Invention + Implementation Key attributes An ecosystem that supports and values all 3 I’s Willingness to experiment and take risks Interdisciplinary problem solving culture Collaborative partnerships are fundamental
6 Enterprise Innovation Institute Building an Innovation Ecosystem Nutrients Signs of Life Growth Incubation Renewal Natural Selection
7 Enterprise Innovation Institute Nutrients Recruiting research talent—worldwide Seed funding (city, state, nation, alumni) A culture of creativity and new ideas
8 Enterprise Innovation Institute Signs of Life Emphasis on interdisciplinary research Research centers – Over 100 on campus
9 Enterprise Innovation Institute Natural Selection Intellectual property protection VentureLab GRA Phase I and II awards GT Edison Fund SBIR Assistance Commercialization Services
10 Enterprise Innovation Institute Incubation Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) Ga. Seed Capital Fund National VC attention Entrepreneur Services