President of Egyptian Business Women Association (EBWA) Member Of FCEM President of Business and Professional Women –Egypt (BPW-Egypt) Africa Coordinator of International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPWI) President of Organization For Women In Trade In Egypt (OWIT – Egypt) President Of African Alliance For Women Empowerment (AFRAWE) President Of Afro-Arab Network For Women Empowerment Member of Arab International Women’s Forum (AIWF) Member of NEPAD Gender Task Force responsible for Trade & Market Access Chairman Human Resources Science And Technology Cluster African Union (ECOSOCC)
Neither trade as an economic activity nor attempts to manage trade in the form of policy are new concepts. However, attempts to manage trade at the international level in terms of policy and liberalisation are relatively recent interventions. Trade is an activity of exchange that appears in different forms, and takes place in different locations.
It could be two people in a village market or two nations trading their cash crops on the international stage. Moreover, those indirectly participating in trading activities can be paid or unpaid workers, business-owners, importers, exporters and consumers. The actors from the small to the large scale are all economic agents but have different roles and different levels and types of power and influence. They therefore also have differential amounts of loss and gain.
Promotion of Exports And Interregional Trade Employment Generation Economic Growth
1-Product 2-Personality 3-Procedures
8 ( P s)
Quality of the product Branding of the Product.
How to have survey studies & to have a competitive price.
How to make your product popular through Marketing Advertising
Financial Services Legal Services Method of Payment
How to post the product & deliver it to the Client - Transport either by - Air - Sea - Road - Infrastructure & Transport System.
Power to achieve Power to lead Power to Market
The right definition of Power Power is potency - the capacity to act, to implement. –'Power' that must constantly be struggled over and backed up with force, including violence, is not power.
is now speaking of "EMPOWERMENT" OF Personality, of discovering one’s own strength, of teaching how to exert an influence, i.e “Political changes without fundamental changes in moral and social norms remain temporary victories
Through Capacity Building Training Building of An Entrepreneurial Culture And Entrepreneurship Promotion
Is a driver for economic growth, competitiveness and job creation, furthermore, it can be a vehicle for personal development and can help resolve social issues. Entrepreneurship
An entrepreneur is essentially a person who is not only self-employed but generates employment and income for others through a combination of efforts requiring zeal and capability to transform physical, financial, natural and human resources for production possibilities to extract the business potential within any situation..
Creation of Enabling Environment Policy Support Revision/formulation (establish consistency) Supportive mechanism (One stop service) Mainstreaming Advocacy Chambers/Association Measures by Government. Banks Promotion of Entrepreneurship Access to Financial Resources Special credit line Guarantee support Guarantee fund Advocacy & Risk Sharing Chambers/Associations Fund Generation Govt., Donor, Private Bank Sources External agencies Government Capacity Building Associations -Women Entrepreneurs Service Providers -Information-Skills Development Management Technology Marketing Support-Linkage Building Donors/Agencies Technical Assistance Support Services Chambers/Associations-Institutions- Agencies-Private sector
The following figure shows the elements that are required to call it enterprise sustainable A sustainable Enterprise The following figure shows the elements that are required to call it enterprise sustainable Sustainable Enterprise Technical Viability Market Stability Management Zeal Skill Managerial Vocational Systems Infrastructural facilities Policy support Environmental Sustainability Financial viability
1 – Creating an enabling environment 2 – Capacity building and 3 - Access to financial resources
Human resource development for system support
Effective partnerships with NGOs to include a range of project development, implementation and delivery systems can contribute to the effectiveness and range of marketing the products of micro- entrepreneurs. Many innovative activities and models for marketing are being developed by NGOs which contribute to improved consultation, human resource development,
Networking is crucial to have access to the global market and achieve Executive trading. Affiliation to regional and international organizations.
Lack of information and data. Infrastructure and Transportation. Lack of promotional materials. Lack of use of ICT.
Establishment of a Databank for Business experts, industries, products, Private Sector is very important.
Governments. Civil Society. Private Sector.
The Government need to revise the Legislation for Trades Role of Civil Society Organizations: Advocacy from the civil society groups is essential to influence the policies and the business and professional organization as part of the civil society group can play a meaningful role especially in lobbying with the Chambers and associations as well as with the important government agencies. They can also play a critical role in guiding the entrepreneurs with relevant information, counseling, and other support.
Including Egyptian Business Women Association, BPW – Egypt, other NGOs working on Economic Empowerment of Women Through Training Courses Capacity Building Technical Assistance & Support Services Advocacy Project Development Legal Services Networking with regional & international Business Associations. Organization of conferences & fairs for exchange of experience, business contacts & promotion & marketing of products. Awareness Campaigns through Media, conferences, seminars for the need of girls education & the necessity of the democratic raise up of the girl child & the elimination of any form of discrimination between her & her brother child.
Establishment Of Business Development Center BDC
Project for Economic Women Empowerment, Women Entrepreneurship Development And Promotion Of Export And Trade
Training facilities. Market place & show rooms and exhibition center. Trade point and data bank Business incubators. ICT centers. Technical assistance. Financial & legal services. Innovation center. Transfer of technology for women in business and product development.
Queen Hatchupsut of Egypt; 15th century BC. Ruled as a pharaoh for 15 years. The 1st registered Business Women in history. She used to do trade between Egypt and other countries.
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Financial independence gives you the power of choice and voice
Economic Empowerment for a Better World.