Traditions Kurban Bairam Sabantoy Navruz Bairam
Every nation has it traditions and holidays. My nation has own holidays and traditions too. We have holidays connected with our religion. The greatest of them is Kurban Bairam. It is celebrated 70 days after a Muslims fasting – Ramadan. Kurban Bairam is a holiday of sacrifice (a Turkish word “Kurban” means sacrifice, and “bairam” means “a holiday”. The Koran, our sacred book, says that every Muslim should make a sacrifice of a lamb. He has the right to keep 1/3 of the lamb for his family. All the rest of the meat should be divided into no less than 7 pieces and given to the poor. All Muslims are supposed to give alms during the holiday. Kurban Bairam is celebrated for three days. A special table is served for the holiday: a lot of meat meals, stuffing, sweet biscuits – “shchaker-lame”, tea, coffee. Tables should be laid from morning till night.
Kurban Bairam
Traditions play the most important role in the life of Nogaysh people. They are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. One of them is «Sabantoy» - the holiday, which lasts one day, to say thanks to the earth for the future food. The word «sabantoy» consists of two parts: «saban» means the plough and «toy» means the holiday. People celebrate it in the beginning of spring. During this holiday we celebrate the kindest of the earth that will give us food. In old times people did their best. They made different competitions. Now during «Sabantoy» people do their best to show themselves in the competitions as in old time. «Sabantoy» is a joyful religious holiday. I am proud that our nation has its traditions and holidays and that I am a son of my nation, and I am very happy to be a part of the world.