FY07 Population-based Bidders Conference Fouad Berrahou, Ph.D Shirley Broussard DSHS Title V Maternal & Child Health April 6, 2006
Title V Maternal &Child Health (MCH) Goal To improve the health status of the MCH population by Providing preventive and primary services to mothers and children Reducing infant mortality and the incidence of preventable diseases among children Reducing the need for inpatient and long- term care services
Title V MCH Levels of Services
Title V MCH Levels of Services (cont.) Examples Direct - Basic Health Services and Health Services for CSHCN Enabling - Transportation, Translation, Outreach, Case Management, Purchase of Health Insurance, Coordination with Medicaid Population-based / Infrastructure-building – Outreach/Public Education, Awareness Campaigns, Health Promotion, Needs Assessment, Evaluation, Planning, Policies, QA/QM, Applied Research and Systems of Care
FY Title V Priority Needs immunization access to, adequacy of prenatal care low birth weight and prematurity substance abuse nutrition and obesity breastfeeding teen pregnancy child safety domestic violence family planning newborn hearing screening sexually transmitted diseases Five-year Needs Assessment Effort
Focus Areas for the Population-based Services RFP Four Topic Areas Teen Pregnancy Low Birth Weight Adequacy of Prenatal care Sexually Transmitted Disease Respondents may select one or more topic areas
Focus Areas for the Population-based Services RFP (cont.) Infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births Ratio of black infant mortality rate to white infant mortality rate Neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 births Post neonatal mortality rate per 1,000 live births Ratio of black perinatal mortality rate to white perinatal mortality rate Low birth weight rate Federal MCH Bureau Outcome Measures
Title V Population-based Eligible Respondents Public and private nonprofit entities Entities NOT current recipients of funds for FY06 RFP # CHS/POP Proposals covering one or more of the 65 counties listed in Table 2 (page 12 of FY07 RFP) Refer to page 7 of the RFP for more details
High Risk Areas in Texas For Adverse Birth Outcomes
Title V Population-based Project Components Three Components Part A: Analysis of the Problem Part B: Performance Measure(s) and Workplan Part C: Evaluation and Lessons Learned
Title V Population-based Project Components (cont.) Part A: Analysis of the Problem (Form G) Year 1 only Description of the process that led to the underlying root causes or risk factors in relation to one or more of the 4 topic areas Prioritization and identification of one priority risk factor to have the most impact on health disparities surrounding birth outcomes
Title V Population-based Project Components (Cont.) Part B: Performance Measures & Workplan Form H-1 for Years 1, 2, and 3 Only one priority risk factor** Only one or two performance measures** Short-term change/impact Long-term change/impact Key activities for each year of the project **remain constant for 3 years
Title V Population-based Project Components (Cont.) Part B: Performance Measures & Workplan Deliverables and Budget Forms Submit Form H-3-B for Years 1, 2 and 3 Describe deliverable, evidence of completion, due date, cost Submit Budget Forms I and I-1 through I-6 for each deliverable for Year 1 only Details used to assess reasonable cost
Title V Pop-based Project Components (Cont.) Part C: Evaluation and Lessons Learned Submit Form H-2 Evaluation section II - Year 1 only Purpose and scope Evaluation sections III–VI – Years 1, 2, and 3 Evaluation questions Evaluation methods Implementation plan Dissemination of results
Title V Population-based Project Components (Cont.) Part C: Evaluation and Lessons Learned Deliverables and Budget Forms Submit Form H-3-C for Years 1, 2 and 3 Describe deliverable, evidence of completion, due date, cost Submit Budget Forms I and I-1 through I-6 for each deliverable for Year 1 only Details used to assess reasonable cost
Evaluation Criteria Criteria Form Value Year Project Abstract E Applicant Background F Analysis of the Problem G Performance Measure/Workplan H-1, H-3-B, I Evaluation Section II H Evaluation Sections III – VII H-2, H-3-C, I Total possible points by year Total possible points overall 415
Tip sheet Must serve only counties listed in Table 2 Select one or more of the 4 topics TP, LBW, STD, APNC Analyze problem one priority risk factor Only one or two performance measures Activities must clearly address risk factor Deliverables & final costs for Years 1, 2, and 3 (Forms H-3-B and H-3-C) Budget details for Year 1 only for each deliverable ( Forms I and I-1 – I-6) Strength & continuity are important !
Contact persons For the RFP: Pam Ferguson Fax: 512/ For Title V: Fouad Berrahou, Ph.D State Title V Director Phone: 512/