Weather aTicket fTicket kTicket pTicket uTicket bTicketcTicketdTicketeTicket gTickethTicketiTicketjTicket lTicketmTicketnTicketoTicket qTicketrTicketsTickettTicket $500vTicketwTicketxTicketyTicket zTicket zzTicket
aTicket aTicket click here for answer This is how air pressure varies as a person goes higher in Earth’s atmosphere.
click here to go back to game aTicket aTicket What is air pressure decreases?
fTicket fTicket click here for answer This cause convection currents to form in Earth’s atmosphere.
fTicket fTicket click here to go back to game What is the uneven heating of Earth?
kTicket kTicket click here for answer This is a convection current in the atmosphere.
kTicket kTicket click here to go back to game What is wind?
pTicket pTicket click here for answer This is the weight of air pushing down on one area.
pTicket pTicket click here to go back to game What is atmospheric pressure?
uTicket uTicket click here for answer This is what happens to air pressure as a balloon moves up through Earth’s atmosphere.
uTicket uTicket click here to go back to game What is it decreases?
bTicket bTicket click here for answer This causes air pressure.
bTicket bTicket click here to go back to game What is gravity?
gTicket gTicket click here for answer Cold air is this in compared to an equal volume of warm air.
gTicket gTicket click here to go back to game What is heavier?
lTicket lTicket click here for answer Differences in this in air, causes wind and storms.
lTicket lTicket click here to go back to game What is temperature?
qTicket qTicket click here for answer This is where on Earth that temperatures are the warmest due to the Sun’s rays striking this part of Earth at a more direct angle.
qTicket qTicket click here to go back to game What is the Equator?
vTicket vTicket click here for answer This is why cool air is heavier than warm air.
vTicket vTicket click here to go back to game What is gas particles in cool air is closer together than those in warm air.
cTicket cTicket click here for answer This can affect the climate in an area.
cTicket cTicket click here to go back to game What are ocean currents?
hTicket hTicket click here for answer This is why a closed paper bag doesn’t collapse under the weight of Earth’s atmosphere.
hTicket hTicket click here to go back to game What is air pressure also exists inside the bag?
mTicket mTicket click here for answer This will happen to warm air that is surrounded by cold air.
mTicket mTicket click here to go back to game What is the warm air will rise?
rTicket rTicket click here for answer This weather system forms only over warm ocean water.
rTicket rTicket click here to go back to game What is a hurricane?
wTicket wTicket click here for answer This kind of severe weather is about to occur.
wTicket wTicket click here to go back to game What is a lightning strike?
dTicket dTicket click here for answer This term describes a rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground.
dTicket dTicket click here to go back to game What is a tornado?
iTicket iTicket click here for answer This is a message sent out to an area where severe thunderstorms with high winds and hail might form.
iTicket iTicket click here to go back to game What is a severe thunderstorm watch?
nTicket nTicket click here for answer This describes air that is warmed in winter and cooled in summer because it is near a large body of water.
nTicket nTicket click here to go back to game What is tempered?
sTicket sTicket click here for answer This messages is sent out to an area where severe thunderstorms have formed and lets people know that they should get inside as soon as possible.
sTicket sTicket click here to go back to game What is a severe thunderstorm warning?
xTicket xTicket click here for answer This weather instruments measures the amount of moisture in the air.
xTicket xTicket click here to go back to game What is a hygrometer?
eTicket eTicket click here for answer This weather insturment measures the amount of rain that has fallen.
eTicket eTicket click here to go back to game What is a rain gauge?
jTicket jTicket click here for answer This tool measures air pressure.
jTicket jTicket click here to go back to game What is a barometer?
oTicket oTicket click here for answer This weather instrument measures wind speed.
oTicket oTicket click here to go back to game What is an anemometer?
tTicket tTicket click here for answer Some weather information is provided this that floats high into Earth’s atmosphere.
tTicket tTicket click here to go back to game What is a weather balloon?
yTicket yTicket click here for answer Doppler radar is used to track this type of weather system.
yTicket yTicket click here to go back to game What are tornadoes?
zTicket zTicket click here for answer This displays information about air temperature, air pressure, and precipitation.
zTicket zTicket click here to go back to game What is a weather map?
zzTicket zzTicket click here for answer This symbol on a weather map shows…
zzTicket zzTicket What is a cold front? click here to go back to game