You can type your own categories and points values in this game board. Type your questions and answers in the slides we’ve provided. When you’re in slide show view, click a points box to go to that question, then click to move to the answer slide. Click the left triangle to return to this game board slide. clouds Weather Instruments Tornadoes Hurricanes Blizzards
Cloud questions follow
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Cloud question for 10 points What kind of clouds are made of tiny ice crystals and are very high in the sky? 10 Category 1
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Cirrus cloudsfor 10 points 10 Category 1
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Cloud question for 20 points What kind of day would you see white, fluffy clouds? 20 Category 1
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. You would most likely see cumulus clouds for 20 points 20 Category 1
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Cloud question for 30 points What would a sun behind a cloud represent on a weather map? 30 Category 1
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. It would represent a partly cloudy day for 30 points. 30 Category 1
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Cloud question for 40 points Atmosphere has weight, so it presses down with a certain force. What is this force called? 40 Category 1
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. This force is called air pressure for 40 points 40 Category 1
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the left triangle to return to the game board slide. Cloud question for 50 points What kind of weather would you predict an area to be if high air pressure is moving in? What would you predict the weather to be if low air pressure was moving into an area? 50 Category 1
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. I predict the weather to be clear and sunny if high air pressure is moving in. I would predict cloudy and rainy if low air pressure was moving into an area for 50 points. 50 Category 1
Weather Instruments questions follow
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Weather Instruments Question for 10 points What tools would you use to measure air pressure and wind speed? 10 Category 2
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A barometer and an anemometer for 10 points 10 Category 2
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Weather Instruments for 20 points What are the two ways that smog and ground level ozone can be harmful to our health? 20
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. They can make it hard for someone to breath. They can also cause people to cough for 20 points. 20 Category 2
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Uses of Water question for 30 points What tool measures how much water is in the air? 30 Category 2
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A hygrometer for 30 points 30 Category 2
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Weather Instrument question for 40 points What would a sun behind a cloud represent on a weather may? 40 Category 2
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. It would represent a partly cloudy day for 40 points 40 Category 2
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Weather Instrument Question for 50 points What tool measures how much rain has fallen? 50 Category 2
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A rain guage for 50 points 50 Category 2
Tornado questions follow
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornado question for 10 points What is a tornado? 10 Category 3
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A tornado is a spinning, funnel-shaped column of air that touches the ground. for 10 points 10 Category 3
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornado question for 20 points Where do tornadoes form? 20 Category 3
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornadoes form over land for 20 points 20 Category 3
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornado question for 30 points How do you keep safe during a tornado? 30 Category 3
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. When a tornado is near people must go to basements, in a closet under the stairs or in a downstairs bathroom. They must also stay away from windows for 30 points 30 Category 3
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornado question for 40 points How are the winds of a tornado different than that of a hurricane? 40 Category 3
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The winds of a tornado are much stronger than winds of a Hurricane for 40 points 40 Category 3
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornado question for 50 points What are tornadoes often caused by? 50 Category 3
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornadoes are often caused by a cold air mass trapped above a warm air mass over an area of level ground for 50 points. 50 Category 3
Hurricane questions follow
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricane question for 10 points Where do Hurricanes form? 10 Category 4
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricanes form over the ocean 10 points. 10 Category 4
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricane question for 20 points When do Hurricanes cause the most damage? 20 Category 4
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricanes cause the most damage when they move over land for 20 points. 20 Category 4
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricane Question for 30 points How are Hurricanes different from Tornadoes? 30 Category 4
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Tornadoes have stronger winds and form over land. Hurricanes winds are not as strong and form over oceans for 30 points 30 Category 4
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricane question for 40 points Describe the weather conditions of a hurricane. 40 Category 4
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricanes have winds of at least 119 kilometers (74 miles) per hour, heavy rains, strong winds, and huge waves for 40 points 40 Category 4
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Hurricane question for 50 points Compare a hurricane to a tornado. Explain two differences and two similarities between tornadoes and hurricanes. 50 Category 4
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A tornado is different than a hurricane because it forms over land. A hurricane forms over the ocean. Also, tornadoes have winds that are stronger than hurricanes. Both storms are dangerous and can cause a lot of damage for 50 points. 50 Category 4
Blizzard questions follow
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzard question for 20 points What kind of temperatures and winds are associated with a blizzard ? 20 Category 5
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzards are winter storms that have low temperatures and lots of blowing snow for 20 points 20 Category 5
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzard question for 40 points Why are blizzards so dangerous? 40 Category 5
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzards are dangerous because people can get lost or stuck in the snow. They can also get too cold to move to warm shelter for 40 points 40 Category 5
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzard question for 60 points What does the National Weather Service do when bad weather is approaching? 60 Category 5
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. The National Weather Service puts out watches and warnings for 60 points. 60 Category 5
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzard for 80 points What does it mean when the National Weather service puts out a watch? 80 Category 5
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A watch means that a storm could happen where you live for 80 points. 80 Category 5
Question Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. Blizzard question for 100 points What does it mean when the National Weather Service issues a storm warning. 100 Category 5
Answer Type your questions and answers in the placeholders. You can add the points value at the bottom for reference. When you’re in slide show view, click the triangle to return to the game board slide. A warning means that a storm is already in or near your area for 100 points. 100 Category 5