ADAM S. TRACY ATTORNEY - ALWAYS CHOOSE THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BUSINESS Running a business is never easy whether you are an entrepreneur or a well-established brand. Out of all the issues legal battles can be a serious damage for your reputation. Thus, it is important to have a reputable attorney right by your side. So, when you are looking for a reliable and reputed attorney, Adam S. Tracy is the name. He himself is an entrepreneurs born to lead. Adam Well-known to the world as a dynamic businessman and a successful attorney, Adam S. Tracy is the founder of the reputed law firm, Securities Compliance Group which today is a leading firm to provide best legal assistance.
A BRIEF SUMMARY OF ADAM TRACY’S CAREER He has worked with many reputed firms and not only a highly-skilled executive, he was also a former competitive Rugby player and capital markets consultant. He was the president and general counsel at the Ecology Coatings Inc. where he took care of securities, alliances, investor relations and played other vital roles. Prior to that he was an associate attorney at Rathje Woodward LLC. He founded the Securities Compliance Group in November 2005 that is a leading provider in legal business guidance for corporates.
ABOUT SECURITIES COMPLIANCE GROUP (SCG) Securities Compliance Group aims at assisting businesses and companies, big or small with utmost efficiency and reliability. The organization has highly experienced expert attorneys who are committed to providing the best possible assistance, guidance and legal - solution to their business clients. At SCG, the lawyer’s analyze every case and provide the optimal and personalized solution to their problems and requirements that too at affordable prices. They expertise in Asset Protection Corporate Laws Corporate Finance IPO Mergers and reverse mergers Securities Law Executive laws and many other area of expertise.
ADAM S TRACY ATTORNEY EDUCATION: DePaul College of Law, J.D. DePaul Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, M.B.A University of Notre Dame, B.S., Finance University of Notre Dame, B.A., Computer Applications