Goal 10 Part 2 Holocaust / American Involvement in WWII
April 7, 1933 Hitler takes control of Nazi Party Racial Purification begins Holocaust: the systematic killing of 11 million non-Aryans (6 million Jews) Why Jews? (anti-Semitism=prejudice against Jews) (1) Scapegoat for blame of WWI (2) Highly successful during Great Depression (jealousy)
Nuremburg Laws The lack of a clear legal method of defining who was Jewishdefining who was Jewish allowed some Jews to escape some forms of discrimination aimed at them by the Nazi Party - These Nuremburg Laws made it easier for SS troopers to “INSTANTLY identify” who was Jewish and allowed them to strip them of their rights / led to violence and mistreatment
Kristallnacht “The spark that started the Holocaust” November 9-10, 1938 “Night of Broken Glass” Nazi Storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues across Germany and Austria with sledgehammers 100 Jews were killed, 30,000 were arrested and sent to concentration camps Jews were blamed for the destruction
The St. Louis May 13, 1939 German liner that housed Jews St. Louis: German ocean liner with 943 passengers from Hamburg, Germany to Havana Cuba Problem: Cuban political strife FDR’s Response: job competition???? – Not allowed to emigrate into America = BACK TO EUROPE!?!
Hitler’s FINAL solution 1939 Genocide: a deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population (Jewish culture) – sometimes shot on spot “DEATH TRAINS” – SS officers couldn't reach some Jewish communities… Jews were herded in like cattle to ghettos or even worse….. Concentration camps / labor camps (Ex. Auschwitz) – housed the “undesirables” *Ghettos: - segregated Jewish areas in Poland Final Stage (1942): mass extermination / Poison gassing
Tripartite Pact ( AXIS POWERS ) Italy (Mussolini) Japan (Tojo) and Germany (Hitler) signed this treaty… forming the Axis Powers (Extension of the Rome-Berlin Axis) Main goal: keep U.S. out of war! FDR’s THIRD TERM *(1 st President) and WON reelection in 1940 FDR terms: 1932, 1936, 1940, and (4 th )in 1944 – death in 1945
“The Great Arsenal of Democracy” Phrase coined by FDR during WWII in 1940 (American aid to Britain and other allied forces against Germany) *****PROVISIONS OF THE NEUTRALITY ACTS******* (1) Cash and Carry** (1939)- come and get it! (bring money!) Problem: Britain ran out of money! (for this purpose) (2) Lend Lease Act ** (1941) - lend or lease weapons to defeat Germany to ANY country that is vital to the U.S. - RESOURCES GO TO: Stalin / Soviet Union & Churchill / Britain
FDR Plans for War The Atlantic Charter FDR and Churchill / U.S. and Britain form an ALLIANCE (ex. cooperation, freedom of the seas = help!) *Getting America AWAY from Neutrality!!! WHO IS UPSET (THE MOST) WITH FDR’s PROPOSAL TO GO TO WAR??? ________________________
- Atlantic Charter- ATLANTIC CHARTER Focus: Churchill (Br.) and FDR (U.S.) are reaching an agreement in order to attempt to break the shackles of Europe under German control - World Liberty guides the way!
Japan ATTACKS the U.S. Japanese ambitions in the Pacific Hideki Tojo – after invading MANCHURIA – he invades China (imperialism), Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos American reaction = HATES the Japanese AGGRESSION Cuts off oil supplies! (oil embargo) So…..
Attack on Pearl Harbor Japan attacks America at Pearl Harbor at Oahu, HAWAII American fatality = 2,400 American wounded = 1,200 *Date of Pearl Harbor Attack = December 7, 1941 (a date that will live in infamy) T.Q. = What is the event that brought America into WWII? PEARL HARBOR!!!!!!!!!
U.S. PaperWar is Declared
PEARL HARBOR FOOTAGE pearl_harbor.html pearl_harbor.html
Analyze the effects of these early events of WWII and how they changed the outcome of warfare (Significance – Legacy) 1. Neutrality Acts 2. Quarantine Speech 3. Good Neighbor Policy 4. Munich Agreement / Appeasement 5. Nonaggression Pact 6. Blitzkrieg in Poland 7. Fall of France 8. Battle of Britain 9. Tripartite Pact 10. Great Arsenal of Democracy 11. Cash and Carry 12. Lend Lease Act 13. Atlantic Charter 14. Attack at Pearl Harbor