Dr. David Ross CLC Counseling Center
Faithfully use a planner and/or calendar. Can be either paper or electronic. “Week at a Glance” styles tend to be the best. Always have the planner in class and when you study.
Learn to use multiple levels of planners. Semester or monthly calendars. Week at a Glance planner. Daily “to do” list.
Semester or Monthly Calendar. List significant personal events like days off, vacations, family plans. Have due dates for papers and projects. List test dates.
Week at a Glance Planner Always with you at school and study. Specific assignments for the week: pages, chapters, etc. Try to plan ahead at least a week.
Daily “To Do” List Transfer items from your planner, but with more detail. Look at it when you start your study day. Re-write it for the next day when you finish study. List both items that you must do that day, and what you would like to do that day. Post it in a prominent location.
Reward yourself when you complete tasks. Cross things off your “to do” list, then reward yourself. Soon just crossing things off the list becomes rewarding.
Carefully review all course syllabi. Take items from your syllabus and enter them on your planner. Especially note test dates and assignment due dates.
Break down major assignments. Take major assignments, like papers, and write down all the steps needed to finish. Write each of those steps on a date in your planner.
Review other commitments in your life. School is very time consuming and is hard to add on top of a busy life schedule. Are there any personal commitments you can reduce or eliminate while you are in school? Are there any personal commitments that can be postponed until the end of the term? Hold a family meeting to discuss potential changes or adjustments in responsibilities. Consider reducing working hours during the busiest parts of the semester.