Teacher Planning Grade
The teacher file Section 1: Personal Timetable Duty sheet Section 2: Curriculum Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) Work schedules for each subject in each grade Is the teacher up to date? Weekly/cycle planning (one page to include all) Is the teacher up to date 2
Section 3: Formal Assessment: Theory Programme of Assessment Recording sheets, completed up to date? Projects: instructions and assessment tools Tests and memoranda Examination papers and memoranda Planning for practical tasks. Is the teacher up to date? Formal Assessment: Practical Practical work completed as indicated in work schedule Mark sheet for practical tasks Completed up to date? 3
Section 4: Practical Assessment Task (PAT) PAT documents Mark sheets Section 5: Finances, equipment and textbooks Budget and expenditure Is the teacher’s record up to date Stock register Textbook control list Section 6: Provincial Guidelines Circulars Minutes of subject meetings 4
Documents needed for planning School Calendar School Year Plan Teaching Plan (CAPS) Assessment Plan Text books 5
Teaching Plan (CAPS)Work ScheduleWeekly Planning 6 Sequence for Planning
Annual Work Schedule Needed for each subject for each grade Organised in terms and weeks/cycles Sequence and pace the content according to the calendar of the specific year Indicate weeks/ cycles, content, assessment activities, resources, date completed and comments The teaching plans in the CAPS replace any summary / year plan 7
Work schedule (refer to resource pack) Consumer Studies grade Week cycle Date comple- ted TopicContentResourcesWritten work & assess ment Practical Com- ments Copy and paste from CAPS Teacher to complete / /1 8
Weekly planning on personal timetable 40 min MonTuesWedThursFri 112 Cons8A Tech10A Cons Choir 211 Cons12 Cons10A Cons12 Cons8A Tech 310A Cons11 Cons10B Cons Break 410B Cons10A Cons11 Cons8A Tech10B Cons 9
Back of page what happened during the week? MonTuesWedThursFri -10B Tumi Mudau’s watch stolen. 11B Extremely arrogant behavior by Sarah, Phila and Noleen 10C Thabo Mokoena came 15 min late Subject advisor visited: Periods 4- 6 Last 2 periods lost because bus left for choir competiti on 10
Tips to ensure that you cover the curriculum Give the curriculum to the learners OR Paste it on the wall of your classroom Update progress regularly by filling in dates of completion Do not neglect your planning 11
Example: Give to learners Grade 10 Hospitality Studies TopicPageCompleted Food and beverage establishments2-420/01/2011 Appliances, equipment and utensils in the kitchen and restaurant 8-16 Hygiene Recipes Mise-en-place in the kitchen South African food pyramid Cooking methods Scones and muffins Fruit 12