© Bishop’s Stortford Town Council Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan Team for Silverleys and Meads Wards 25 th March 2014
Agenda Apologies for Absence Apologies for Absence Minutes of the Last Meeting Minutes of the Last Meeting Matters Arising Matters Arising Consultation Matters for Group Discussion - None Consultation Matters for Group Discussion - None Consultation Matters escalated by Team Leads – Gary Jones Consultation Matters escalated by Team Leads – Gary Jones Consultation Matters dealt with by Team Leads – Progress update Consultation Matters dealt with by Team Leads – Progress update Planning Aid England Planning Aid England Review of Plan Timetable Review of Plan Timetable Documentation and steps to complete Documentation and steps to complete Planning Updates Planning Updates Preparation for Next Meeting Preparation for Next Meeting © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Progress update - James Group matters Group matters Actions agreed last week being implemented Actions agreed last week being implemented Other ‘general’ matters Other ‘general’ matters Various edits to Introductory sections, none of material significance unless discussed last week Various edits to Introductory sections, none of material significance unless discussed last week Sport Sport SP1 (outdoor facilities) and SP3 (mix) merged SP1 (outdoor facilities) and SP3 (mix) merged Contributions now required ‘in accordance with Local Plan’ Contributions now required ‘in accordance with Local Plan’ Local specifics retained, in particular reference to sports strategy Local specifics retained, in particular reference to sports strategy Transport (in conjunction with Philip Demonti) Transport (in conjunction with Philip Demonti) TP4 (access routes) and TP14 (Shared space) deleted TP4 (access routes) and TP14 (Shared space) deleted TP12 (park and ride) retained but questionable TP12 (park and ride) retained but questionable TP1, TP3 under discussion with HCC - challenging TP1, TP3 under discussion with HCC - challenging Substantial re-write to TP5 following EHDC comments – no weakening Substantial re-write to TP5 following EHDC comments – no weakening TP10 (Parking standards) - challenging and disputed, policy context shifting TP10 (Parking standards) - challenging and disputed, policy context shifting © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Making effective policies for our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Style, Language, Format and Structure Planning can and should be a means of planning positively for your community and for its common good. The way in which you write your policies – the words you use – can have a major impact on their “tone” and therefore on the “story” you are telling. “We will not allow development unless…” “Planning permission will be granted provided that…”
Making effective policies for our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Style, Language, Format and Structure Affordable Housing Exception Sites Planning permission will be granted for affordable housing that meets local need on greenfield and previously developed sites that directly adjoin existing settlements and extensions or conversion of existing groups of buildings in countryside locations provided that: (a) The site is accessible to public transport; (b) First and subsequent occupation is by a person or family meeting local needs criteria; (c) Those needs cannot be met by provision of affordable housing within existing settlements in the parish; and (d) Occupation of the development… will be controlled by planning condition or planning obligation.
Making effective policies for our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Style, Language, Format and Structure You will not achieve the goals of your neighbourhood plan if the policies it contains are muddled, long and complex or use overly technical language. Those who read your policies need to easily understand how to respond to their requirements and you need to be able to explain them to others and therefore be able to make reasoned and consistent decisions based upon them.
Making effective policies for our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Making policies sustainable and relevant over the life of the plan A policy needs to be capable of implementing the strategy set out in your plan. Your plan needs to be deliverable. Your strategy will probably have a timescale attached to it (for instance 2013 – 2028) within which your policies will need to have the desired impact. Being clear about what that desired impact should be is a crucial part of the plan making process. Using Sustainable Language “should” instead of “must” “subject to…” “where appropriate”
Making effective policies for our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) The Do’s and Don’ts of Policy writing. Don’t, Try covering every eventuality Duplicate other planning documents Develop unsupported statements Use double negatives Use ambiguous wording e.g. ‘normally’ Develop a policy if it is already covered sufficiently in the NPPF or Local Plan Do Write in plain English, avoiding jargon Be clear and precise Support with evidence, not just local opinion Write in positive terms, where possible Check against national planning policy and the strategic objectives in the Local Plan. Make sure the policy can have an affect during the life of the plan Work with your Local Planning Authority
Key actions Some policies require additional rationale/evidence Some policies require further work with stakeholders – RECOMMENDATION: Resolve objections from stakeholders prior to submission where you can. ASRs: implications need to be reflected in the plan Policy and text deletions/changes – Ensure policies are effective and workable so as not to undermine the integrity of the plan. EHDC comments particularly pertinent Explore other avenues for achieving some aims of policies and include this in Projects Section of the plan? Provide Monitoring and Implementation Section.
Policy Supporting Text Ensure for each policy that the policy intent is clear, the policy justification is clear and that any implementation issues are explained clearly Consistent approach with each policy required but e.g. 1.Reasoned Justification followed by 2.Policy Intent followed by 3.Policy Implementation NB: Good examples include Thame, Tattenhall, Ascot
Documentation - Plan to complete The PlanJames + Team The PlanJames + Team Complete working through consultation comments (team) Complete working through consultation comments (team) Complete stakeholder engagement with EHDC/HCC (+BSN?) (James) Complete stakeholder engagement with EHDC/HCC (+BSN?) (James) Review policy supporting text per policy (TBD) Review policy supporting text per policy (TBD) Write monitoring section (TBD) Write monitoring section (TBD) Basic conditions statementSue + Rachel Basic conditions statementSue + Rachel Evidence base summaryDavid Hargrave + Team Evidence base summaryDavid Hargrave + Team Based on deleted material from earlier version Based on deleted material from earlier version Consultation StatementTBD + Sue Consultation StatementTBD + Sue Consultation logHilary + Team Consultation logHilary + Team Area MapJames Area MapJames © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Consultation Log issued today Updated with comments from BSN, Planning Aid & Late consultees Updated with comments from BSN, Planning Aid & Late consultees Updated with inputs from team leads to date Updated with inputs from team leads to date Objective: for each item complete Objective: for each item complete Action taken Action taken Reason Reason Take the action, set closed flag to ‘yes’ Take the action, set closed flag to ‘yes’ Do not set to yes until plan is actually amended Do not set to yes until plan is actually amended © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Current Schedule & Options 1 April April 2014 Textural changes to Office Textural changes to Office 7 April 2014 – JWP follow up meeting with Claire 7 April 2014 – JWP follow up meeting with Claire 8 April April 2014 Draft final version issued by Office Draft final version issued by Office Additional material completed (Sue, James, TBDs) Additional material completed (Sue, James, TBDs) 22 April April 2014 Approve final copy for Council – minimal changes allowed unless pre-notified – document must go to Council the following day Approve final copy for Council – minimal changes allowed unless pre-notified – document must go to Council the following day 28 April Options: 6 May or 16 June, 28 April Options: 6 May or 16 June, Council approval of examination copy Council approval of examination copy Recommendation – continue with current schedule but be prepared to slip © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council