MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK Dave D’Arcy This Presentation provides a generic view of feedback received from Communications Providers during the Migration Proposal Pre-consultation
PRE-CONSULTATION FEEDBACK How do I access the NIPP portal? Contact your TAM Migration Plan document control - when & how will it be agreed (eg. no of weeks prior to implementation)? Plan of Record will be re-issued quarterly Change Request Process for changes Implementation will be via a SAN process What are the network freezes? Aim is to minimise freeze periods Consultation on timings bi-lateral discussions vs multi-lateral working groups? Consultation focuses on operational & technical network issues Bi-lateral discussion used for ‘commercially sensitive’ discussions BT’s planned rollout of DLE closures may not suit my business plans Smoothed scheduled of work to eradicate peaks Consultation covers sequencing & timing
PRE-CONSULTATION FEEDBACK The operational dispute adjudication scheme must be clear from the outset Change Request & adjudication processes included for Consultation Phase Business as Usual Change Request process to be included in Plan of Record Dispute Process to be developed in concert with Industry / Ofcom In “normal” conditions (i.e. not a major incident) a given metronode has links to just 2 defined NGS switches. This would seem to be less resilient than the situation at a DLE today? Calls from any given line could be routed through any NGS in principle and resilience is therefore much greater than might at first appear Where is the Migration Plan for systems & product changes? Timetable for delivery of this additional detail Detailed Industry Consultation for system changes and product changes.
PRE-CONSULTATION FEEDBACK What is BT’s fallback strategy & Business Continuity plans? Buffer periods have been built into the front end of the schedule DLE’s on stand-by Re-schedule of failed / postponed transfers Clarity of planning, detailed customer communication and a robust fall back situation is paramount… Industry Requirements capture for Business Continuity Communications Working Group to develop cross industry end customer messaging Fit for Purpose Data set All changes reflected in new issue Inconsistencies & 1141 codes Additional information is required to enable detailed planning. BT intends to publish two separate items to support this Migration Proposal: Migration Methodology Strawmen to facilitate Bi- lateral discussion (through the I&M WGs) Additional Information Delivery Timetable “Migration Roadmap”
PRE- CONSULTATION FEEDBACK: SUMMARY 8 responses have been received Feedback falls into 3 categories: The data set Additional information relating to DLE closure or clarifications will be incorporated into the revised proposal Clear methodology around document control included Consultation Framework Feedback received is consistent with Consultation Framework Adjudication process defined for Consultation Phase only Additional Information required to enable planning: Migration Methodology Strawman being prepared to facilitate Bi-lateral discussion Delivery Timetable Publication
MIGRATION PROPOSAL & DATASET: ISSUE 2 Overview of Incorporates 1141 codes for equipment Default NGS routing information for each existing DLE Revamped schedule: Reflects regional workforce constraints in scheduling work Smoother ramp up of migration activities to reflect training and realistic productivity performance improvements
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK Mike Cook This Presentation is to inform Communications Providers as to the scope, principles and time table associated with Migration Proposal Consultation ahead of the re-issue of the Migration Proposal by BT on 21 st October 2005
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK This slide set outlines: The scope of the consultation Consultation framework & timeline Bi-lateral topics Request & Adjudication Management How to participate
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION SCOPE Aim is: Production of a Plan of Record for business planning purposes (Jan 06) BT seeks views on the most appropriate and timely approach to: reach acceptable solution to all parties – recognising the schedule will be fine tuned to reflect operational needs as migration proceeds effective change control management minimising & anticipating the impact on customers
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK & TIMETABLE (21/10 – 02/11) CP Impact Analysis CONSULTATION (22/10 – 16/12) 02/11-02/12 Bi-laterals Interconnect CP’s Service Provider CP’s Multi-lateral consultation through IMWG & expert groups 05/12 – 16/12 BT/Industry Board reviews/agrees Migration Proposal Change Requests Expert Groups on Migration methodology Communicate outcome of Change Requests to CP’s IMWG – 16/12/05
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: BI-LATERAL TOPICS Technical & Operations focus on three broad areas: 1. Implementation Considerations and Impacts sequencing, timing, freeze periods, sensitive customer impacts asset and operational optimisation, NGN business plan considerations 2. Migration Plan Change Requests recording of Changes Required recording of impacts & rationale 3. Migration Methodology transfer engineering methodologies to be used to support Migration minimising end user negative impact and operational resource optimisation
CONSULTATION PHASE: CHANGE CONTROL & ADJUDICATION Change Requests documented at Bi-lats Change Requests circulated to industry: anonymous basis & excluding rationale) other CP’s identify impacts if such a change were to be accepted by BT enables the acceptance or rejection to be done in light of impacts across industry BT Impact Analysis undertaken W/C 12/12/05, BT and Industry convene a pre agreed Adjudication Board: Accepts or rejects each Change Request Membership is 3 from BT Wholesale and 3 Industry nominees, under BT chairmanship Chair has casting vote
MIGRATION PROPOSAL: MIGRATION METHODOLOGY Migration Methodology ‘strawman’ developed to facilitate discussion a starter for 10 not the answer aims to facilitate discussion in bi-laterals seeking feedback today on what else needs to be included before formal issue Information from Bi-lats collated and genericised Expert sub-working groups to be convened w/c 05/12/05 under I&M umbrella Expert Groups focus on ranges of services eg interconnect, WLR, BroadBand, LLU Creates ‘best practice(s)’ for each service / equipment being migrated Best practice(s) output of Expert group support the Migration Checklist & facilitates further bi-lateral discussion
Mark Ward Head of Interconnect & Numbering Services - BT Wholesale This presentation aims to confirm to Communications Providers the totality of information provided by BT to support detailed planning and the effective implementation of consultation regarding the Migration Proposal. 21CN - PLANNING TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION: INTERCONNECT MIGRATION
INFORMATION PROVIDED 1. Strategy for Legacy Interconnect (Voice) Assumption of two step migration (DLE to NGS migration) 2. Transfer Engineering Example Scenarios outlined at Legacy Meeting 7 Legacy Presentation – “Proposed Transfer Methodology from DLE to NGS” Further discussed at bi-laterals Proposed SAN process reviewed at Provision experts meeting – 13/07/05 included here again for clarity 3. Call Routings Designs for Voice Calls post NGN Migration briefed Reviewed at Routing Experts meeting 05/10/05 Presentation – Routing Experts “RTG experts Mtg ” Network Information - National Migration Proposal - refresh includes: Proposed roll-out of NGN MSAN and Metro Node Details Concentrator to MSAN relationship BT Proposals on CP route to NGS migration (subject to agreement)
ITEMS STILL OUTSTANDING: (REQUIRED FOR NETWORK PLANNING) Final VIEC/VDLE Product Design Assumption is that calls will be collected and delivered to the same operator switches specifically charging/dimensioning methodology (various scenarios still under discussion) information refresh provided BUT - Network Planning activity will inform the debates Routing Information designs for some call types still outstanding e.g Complex Call Routing NGN Products alternative NGN products still not agreed BUT - doesn't stop assessment of Legacy proposals impact What Else ?
HOW DOES THIS FIT WITH THE CONSULTATION FRAMEWORK? National Migration Proposal refresh this week. information addresses all CP issues on content. clear timetable CP Impact Analysis planning assessment based on information received Bi-laterals includes detailed scenario planning with TAMs informs debate on : Costs, Products, NMP response Next Steps Agreed NMP published early 2006 BAU detailed planning continues with TAMs Implementation via SAN process
BT OPERATIONAL NETWORK FREEZES Dates quoted are for 05/06 October 29th Clock change November 18th Children in need December 19th January 6th Christmas & new year Risks Highlighted: December ??? 2005 risk of PEW embargo for X-Factor final DLE – NGS Migration: DLE Freezes as per SAN process