February 26, 2007 Global Design Effort 1 Most recent in Beijing BDS/IR talk, February 4, 2007:
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 2 S4 for BDS Chris Damerell, Hitoshi Hayano, Marc Ross –representing RDB Deepa Angal-Kalinin, Andrei Seryi, Hitoshi Yamamoto –representing BDS Discussion so far mostly via s, with three phone meetings to this point: –November 28, 2006 –December 19, 2006 – had to be cancelled at the last moment –January 11, 2007 –February 26, 2007
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 3 S4 Charge (1) The S4 task force is formed to fulfill the following functions: –To provide oversight for the overall coordination and progress of the BDS R&D program. –To advise the GDE via its Global R&D Board (RDB) on the research and development program for the ILC Beam Delivery System (BDS). The environment, in which the Task Force is operating, is described by the following assumptions: –Overall coordination and progress of international R&D and design work in BDS area is the responsibility of BDS area leaders. –Everyday responsibility for specific R&D work in BDS belongs to the leaders of particular work packages, which often involve two or more international partners.
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 4 S4 Charge (2) In its advising and overviewing role, the Task Force is following the general charge of the RDB and of the BDS area, paying particular attention to the following: –Perform prioritization of R&D –Determine optimal timeline for expected progress for various R&D and how they change as ILC moves from design to construction –Determine availability of test facilities and their suitability for specific R&D and for the integrated system tests –Identify the programs where the expertise is spread and which have to be performed by collaboration of several international partners –Identify duplications and determine if concentrated efforts or spreading the efforts may be beneficial –Identify missing R&D not addressed by any institute and suggest appropriate mitigation of R&D program
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 5 High Energy Physics Advisory Panel February 22-23, 2007 Schedule from P5 report Schedule for planning Assume optimistic schedule as shown below: (although the longer one was mentioned last week at HEPAP meeting) …
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 6 Clarifying definition of EDR and plans… Hopefully, optimistic schedule may be possible if –LHC would give exciting results –Yield of production of SRF cavities will reach reasonable level, i.e. cost uncertainty is reduced –Long lead process of site approval selection and approval is solved EDR planning –focus on cost uncertainty reduction –design of systems (at “30% level” ?) –build and test critical prototypes –Can’t & don’t need to complete all the work & tests to 2010 Started discussion of EDR at Beijing Will show several slides from Beijing meeting
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 7 Steel Yoke (no yoke for 4 th ) Solenoid HCal ECal TPC or Si Tracker Antisolenoid Low Z Mask Vertex Detector IP Chamber BeamCal FD Cryostats LumiCal Detectors Working progress SLAC, John Amann, et al BNL, Brett Parker, et al. FD & IR integration WP
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 8 FD & IR integration WP Design and prototype of the long FD Stability study of FD Iterations for optimization of the design NEW: push-pull design and integration –This was not accounted for in original planning for Americas 08-09, in particular. More design efforts are needed to address the needs.
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 9 Crab cavity WP & milestones Phase control and cavity synchronisation systems – (Milestone 1) Q Input Coupler – Development, prototyping and testing (Milestone 2) Q L/S/HOM couplers – Final designs & prototypes for beam tests. (Milestone 3) Q Frequency tuner - (Milestone 4) Q Crab Cavity –fabricated, & integrated into cryomodule. (Milestone 5) Q Cryomodule - A full engineering design (Milestone 6) Q Roll tuner and cavity positioning - (Milestone 7) Q Final Phase control and cavity synchronisation electronics system – improvement of the phase control system (Milestone 8) Q High power testing of cavity with beam (Milestone 9) Q Testing of two cavities with beam (Milestone 10) Q Beijing Milestones in near-ideal situation, no limit of resources, and in assumption that all work to be done close to the end of EDR In re-planning, discussing stretching part of the work to after the EDR
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 10 Dumps & Collimators milestones FLUKA/EGS Energy deposition studies complete Design study of candidate window materials. Design and optimisation of geometry of window for water dump in order to minimise thermal fatigue, pressure and shock wave stresses. Estimation of window lifetime with reference to radiation damage. Specification, design and participation in on-line experiments using electron beams to simulate power deposition, thermal and stress wave profiles in prototype window materials Design and full model of internal water circulation system within beam dump vessel using Computational Fluid Dynamic codes in order to maximise efficiency of heat transfer and minimise possibility of local boiling. Outline design of remote handling systems for replacement of critical components e.g. window, de-ionising system and catalytic recombination components. Specification of services requirements for all beam dump specific items. Full costing of baseline design, in accordance with GDE guidelines Package of documentation suitable for pre-construction regulatory agency approval Beijing A special case – need to study what may be needed at the end of EDR for approval (requirements may be site specific ) Design & cost reports from two (per region?) industrial companies as done for TESLA?
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 11 S4 planning for EDR Tentative topics for S4 discussion, and colleagues to be invited: 1) Discussion of overall plans for EDR and beyond. 2) Plans for 07-09, overview. US: A.S. and Brett Parker (WBS level 2 deputy manager); UK: D.A-K; Japan: H.Y. 3) Interaction region work, magnets & stability -- Brett Parker, Animesh Jain, Mike Anerella, et al. 4) Crab cavity work -- Peter McIntosh, Sergei Nagaitsev, Elvin Harms, Leo Bellantoni, Zenghai Li, et al. 5) ATF2 work -- Toshiaki Tauchi, et al. 6) Beam dump and collimation work -- Chris Densham, Tom Markiewics, et al. 7) etc. Feb26 Mar 5 Mar 12? mid-Mar
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 12 A tentative overall schedule for discussion. Not all topics are included.
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 13 Re-planning for Americas, FY08-09 New targets (Feb 2007): 4500k$ 6600k$ BDS plans, earlier version (Dec 2006)
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 14 Ongoing & coming… Re-planning of EDR More news on European and Asian funds are coming Re-planning of Americas efforts S4 meetings on topics with invited colleagues –1) FD & Stability –2) Crab cavity –3) …
Feb 26, 07 Global Design Effort BDS&S4: 15