COMMUNICATION Planner – please check nightly Tuesday folders Please go over papers with your child Sign and return when necessary Expandables Should go home nightly Please do not remove any papers HAC If you do not have a password and username, please contact the front office. Transportation A note is required to make changes We cannot accept a phone call or s. Any changes need to be faxed to the front office before 3:00.
CONDUCT Conduct Sheet Located in expandable Please sign on Tuesday nights where indicated Please do not sign for the whole marking period all at one time. A “U” will be given for organizational skills if a conduct sheet is lost.
Please sign and date here every Tuesday night.
REWARDS Credit Cards-reinforce the positive Credit card parties around every nine weeks Vary throughout the year
GRADES Progress reports - Sent home midway through marking period. Other/Homework- 15% of your child’s grade Must come to school with student in the morning. Minor/Daily- 40% of total grade Major/Tests- 45% of total grade Late work is 10 points off for each day late. After 3 days late, your child will receive a zero or a recess detention to complete the assignment.
HOMEWORK About 45 minutes nightly All homework will be written in planner. A week’s notice for all major tests
FIFTH GRADE SCHEDULE During specials is a good time to schedule medical appointments. Your child has a copy of their schedule and should have it in their expandable. We also have given them one to go to their parents.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION Snack – healthy and simple If a student forgets something at home, they may not call home to get it. Cute school supplies – sometimes stolen and may become toys at school-(Discuss student desks) Absences and Make-up Work: Work cannot be given prior to absences 1 day per day of absence May require recess time to complete unfinished assignments Student may bring in electronic devices for teacher led activities. Only students who have returned a signed technology guideline form are permitted to use these devices. HAC- please check periodically for updated grades. If you do not have your pin, please contact Claire Loria ext. 5455
THE WEEBLY The Weebly is a way for you to get information. We have information on the teachers, such as their contacts. We have information about things we will be doing each week in the classes. We will have information about important school dates and activities. We will have study tools, examples of anchor charts, and pictures. You can find this at MY KATY CLOUD AND GOOGLE DRIVE We have put a label into their planners to help them remember their student id and password.
JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT PLEASE HELP US IN OUR CLASSROOMS Volunteers Needed for ONE DAY ONLY to teach Junior Achievement Lessons This opportunity is for Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles too! We are seeking parents who would like to be involved with the kids for ONE full day May 19 th from 9-3. Each volunteer will teach/share one hands-on activity to five separate class groups during the scheduled times. Lunch/snacks will be served to all volunteers and you are welcome to have lunch with your student. You will be supported by the teachers throughout this experience. All materials, lesson plans and activities are provided and will be available for pick up and preparation from the front office. Spaces will fill fast. JA classes are forming now and each class will be taught by a parent volunteer. If you would like to volunteer and spend time with your child in the classroom setting, then this opportunity is for you! Make sure to get your name and info on the sign-up sheet from your teacher YOU MAY BE THE DIFFERENCE IN A CHILD’S FUTURE.
SCIENCE - Vocabulary Book- This is located in the students expandables and should remain there. - StemScopes- We have already set up the StemScopedias for every topic for every student Homework: Around 1-2 homework assignments per week. - Reviews: Located in the student’s notebooks along with their study topics. - Notebooks: Used for in class notes, investigations, and can be used as a way to review for tests or quizzes.
LANGUAGE ARTS MRS. ESHBAUGH * MRS. JOHNSON * MS. MCCAULLEY * MRS. ZEIDERS Grammar & Conventions: This is a two week cycle program that students will observe mentor text and use them to understand grammar and editing. They will then apply this to their everyday writing. At the end of each cycle, there will be an assessment for the skill covered. Mini Lesson: Students will have a quick, ten minute lesson on ways to improve their writing. Independent Writing: Students will go write using what they have learned. Teachers will confer or pull a small objective group to check on progress. We will be writing narratives, essays, how to’s and persuasive writing. Celebrate: Children repeat what is celebrated! We will be celebrating good writing throughout the year! SOCIAL STUDIES MRS. ESHBAUGH * MRS. JOHNSON * MS. COOPER * MRS. ZEIDERS Notebooks: We will only have a class set of textbooks at school so it is important for students to use their notebooks to study and to record information from class discussions. Reviews: These can be found in their notebooks with study tips. States Quizzes and Test: We will be having a 50 States Test at the end of the year and a 15, 25, and 40 State Quiz throughout the year. Help your child start learning them early.
READER’S WORKSHOP *Word Study : Assessments every four weeks. This is a daily grade. *Reader’s Workshop Approach : read aloud, mini lesson, small groups, conferences and independent reading time *Just Right Books: every child reads at a different levels. We teach strategies and skills on each child’s level. *Conferences and small group lessons: Daily and these are fluid and change constantly. Book Logs: Important information about reading is taken from these logs. They do not need to be signed but they do need to be filled out. Book Reviews: three due every nine weeks.
S School phone:
It is going to be a great year!