Application in Computer Vision Final Project Nir Slakman, Oren Zur and Noam Ben-Ari
The Goal. The Goal. To Create: A game for kids, to assist them getting familiar with the world of nature. Using simple motor skills, sound effects and colors.
Description. Description. Web-cam based. Few different screens (levels). Motion detection. Identifying the animals by the sounds they make.
Motivation. Motivation. To create an educational game for kids. An interesting game, using colors and sounds effects. An EyeToy look-like game.
What is Eye Toy? What is Eye Toy? Color digital camera device. Usually used for the PlayStation consoles. Allows the player to play the game by using his hands movements instead of using a joystick or a keyboard.
The Technology. The Technology. uses computer vision to process images taken by the camera. allows players to interact with games using motion, color detection and sound.
Video Capturing. Video Capturing. Captures frames using Matlab. Each frame being converted to a 3D matrix (X*Y*3). X and Y are the dimension of the frame. The third value means 3 layers of color – RGB.
Motion Detection. Motion Detection. A five frames buffer. A median matrix was computed for each five matrixes. If the value of a pixel is different from the value of the median – there was a motion!
Color Detection. Color Detection. The software is looking for a blue object in motion. Each pixel’s RGB values are being examined for a dominant value of blue.
Location detection. Location detection. This is easy… The location is actually the values of x and y in the matrix (frame – [x,y]). When the object being located is signed with a square.
Location detection. Location detection. The square is drawn on the game’s screen according to the camera screen window’s coordinates. The moving object is being followed by the square online.
Effects. Effects. When the software locates the square in one of the pictures’ location range, it recognize the animal, mark the picture and create sounds effects.
EyeToy - Example. Short Movie - YouTube
In The Future. In The Future. Expand the system for different subjects. Include competitions and High- scores. Time based levels.
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