AIDA: Award in Digital Applications
The course: This 2 year course will give you the opportunity to achieve the equivalent of 2 GCSE’s 1)Award in Digital Applications - AIDA 2)Certificate in Digital Applications - CIDA
AIDA- Award in Digital Applications In year 10 you will work towards achieving AIDA. AIDA is the equivalent of 1 GCSE AIDA is about the “use of ICT” At the end of year 10 you will have to complete a project (SPB) in 30 hours in your ICT lesson time. You will either pass or fail AIDA.
If you fail AIDA: You will have to resit AIDA in year 11 You will lose the opportunity to achieve the equivalent of 2 GCSE’s You may be put into an AIDA resit group
CIDA: Certificate in Digital Applications
CIDA- Certificate in Digital Applications If you pass AIDA you will start working towards CIDA CIDA is the equivalent of 1 GCSE CIDA is about the use of multimedia eg dreamweaver, fireworks etc At the end of year 11 you will have to complete a project (SPB) within 30 hours in your ICT lesson time. You will either pass or fail CIDA
Skills In order to pass AIDA or CIDA you will have to develop certain skills. The skills you will need will be taught to you by your teachers in preparation for the 30 hour test.
SPB The 30 hour test projects are called SPB’s SPB stands for “Summative Project Brief” You must work on your SPB in exam conditions Your teachers cannot help you during the SPB
ESPB In order to prepare you for the SPB you will be completing an Example SPB or ESPB You must perform well on the ESPB to be entered for the AIDA or CIDA at the right level Level 1 = foundation (C,D,E,F) Level 2 = higher (A*,A,B,C)
Grades / Assessment: GCSEL2 AIDAL1 AIDA A*Distinction AMerit BCredit CPassDistinction DMerit ECredit FPass G
Working Hard in Year 10 Your AIDA SPB Mark gets added to your CIDA SPB mark and they get averaged out to give you your overall CIDA mark. So it is very important that your AIDA mark in year 10 is as good as it can be so that it does not bring down your CIDA SPB mark and your overall CIDA mark.
ICT Skills are important!!! But they are not the only thing you will be assessed on!!!!
Assessment / What you must do: Plan and manage a project Gather information from a variety of sources Collate and analyse data to produce information Present and communicate information Present evidence in an e-portfolio Review the project
The course is paperless! Everything must be saved in a e-portfolio.